If Fitz is gone when it is our turn to pick, our red phone will be ringing off the wall. Let's assume Manning and Fitzgerald are gone and we are on the clock.
The easy way out? Taylor, Gallery or Winslow. This site will be divided, no matter which of the three we ended up with. But why take the easy way?
The options.
1. Gallery. The Giants(if they didn't already trade up to land Manning),the Redskins(now in the mix), Browns( no great secret here) and Bears( to low of pick) would love to land Gallery. I have to add the Chargers if they are at #4 because of a trade with the Giants. For sake of this post, I'm eliminating the Giants and inserting the Chargers at #4. The Skins and Browns would know for sure that Gallery won't get past the Chargers or whoever picks #4. I say whoever because the Chargers could trade down numerous times before this is over. Phones ringing. Its the Redskins.
Ok Redskins. Give us Samuel and your #5 pick for our #3 pick. What happens?
Redskins take Gallery, Chargers up. They, at that point probably take
Cardinals on the board chose Taylor or Winslow.
Phones ringing again. Ok Browns. Give us #7,#37 and Dennis Northcut. What Happens?
Browns take Gallery, Chargers take Rothlisberger , Skins take Winslow, Lions on the clock.
The Lions have to be thinking RB but Taylor is still there. They could very well trade down, but Taylor is going to somebody at #6.
Cards up. With a Redskin trade we get OT Samuel, our choice of Taylor and/or Winslow, and numerous possibilities with the #33 pick.
With the Browns trade, Manning, Fitz, Gallery, Big Ben ,Winslow and Taylor are gone. At #7 we get the best CB,DE,DT or LB( or 2nd best wr if that tickles your fancy), on the board, Northcutt and the 37th pick. Bonus! If somebody slips down to say 20 or 25, we package #33 and #37 to move up and get him.
We all have a bad taste in our mouth from trading down last year. This year maybe the best thing that could happen is for the Raiders to take Fitz.