Yeah, what I liked was that Aly seemed a little embarrassed when the Karolys stood up shouting for a recount, and went over and hugged Ponor before the judges even decided whether to review or not. Apparently they 'forgot' to count one or more of her specific moves. Also, that she walked off the podium after the team golds were awarded and put her gold medal around her coach's neck -- he started crying at the gesture.
Then later when interviewed, Costas asked if it was true that with the 2000 Olympics on TV, her mother had watched a gymnast's parents tied up in emotional knots and said, "Thank goodness I'll never have to go through that!" Aly said even as a little girl, she was shocked that her Mom didn't realize she was going to make the Olympics someday. With a nearly straight face, she told Costas that actually, she was delighted to have put her mother through all that.