D-Dogg said:
That game was lost by everyone, mostly the defense.
Think I already mentioned that.
Please, this thread is supposed to be a good luck Josh thread. Don't make me reflect back on his games (Atl red zone swirling in my mind right now) and change my mind. I'm wishing the kid well. I'm hoping he does good.
Getting your starting job back because the rookie who replaced you broke his finger doesn't mean you earned it back. Josh-fans need to ease off on the lovefest accelerator. He's getting another shot to prove what he HAS NOT YET proven. I still prefer Navarre, but I'm cheering for Josh...part of what allows me to do that is that I am trying to wipe all his past performances from my mind, and give him a clean slate. Bringing up all his stellar wins and oh-so-close 6-3 losses sure isn't helping my mental eraser....