The one overhyped player who will fall way down...


Klowned by Keim
Feb 14, 2003
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Gilbert, AZ
en fuego said:
There it is. Shocking, just shocking. Is this really the standard for whitewashing someone with "baggage", "character issues", "bad attitude", etc.

I stand by my earlier assertion -- to compare the above to a sexual assault is ridiculous.

LOL. I agree with you that the comparison to Jerramy Stevens is silly. So is calling him "human garbage. But calling this obviously unaccptable (even from a Hurricane) behavior "a lockerroom outburst after a loss in front of TV cameras" is also silly. This guy has an anger-management problem. We already have enough 15-yard penalties from Pete Kendall. He hates losing. The Cards are going to lose a lot of games. NFL teams AVERAGE 8 losses per season. If KW hated losing maybe four games a season at Miami, and became a discipline problem, how's he going to respond to his first 9-loss season. What about when he keeps getting chipped by a LB and doesn't get the flag?

These concerns won't keep him out of the first round, but on a team that's coming off a double-digit loss season, you might want to think about keeping a time bomb off the squad. That might keep him out of the Top 10.


Jan 9, 2003
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Scottsdale and one-eleven
I'm with MaoTosi on this one.

There was an article in the Republic this morning, about how Gibbs would NOT take Kellen, due to the Poston's involvement.

As far as Tommy Harris dropping, it's the same every year. On the Sunday after the draft, everyone will be talking about the surprising run on defensive tackles.

football karma

Michael snuggles the cap space
Jul 22, 2002
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first -- I hate the Poston selection and agree its a negative.

I think Winslow is smart enough to understand that which ever teams he goes to, he will lose more games in his first season than he did probably his whole career at Miami.

I don’t want players who can handle losing. I will go with Dexter Jackson’s quote (paraphrased from memory) from the end of the season – “there are just too many guys who are okay with losing games.”

I am okay with his intensity and cockiness. Will tolerate it as long as it doesn’t manifest itself in off the field problems (not a hint of one to date), or bad on the field practices (ala, taking plays off, not trying , etc).


Klowned by Keim
Feb 14, 2003
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Gilbert, AZ
en fuego said:
...or bad on the field practices (ala, taking plays off, not trying , etc).

I don't know. I guess that punching opposition players, launching profanity-laced tirades against officials, etc. count to me as bad on-the-field practices.

I like Miami players. They hate losing. I'd just rather have Sean Taylor than this guy. I don't like taking TEs in Round 1 anyway.


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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kerouac9 said:
Wow, talk about whitewashing. Don't forget the unsportsmanlike conduct penalties in back-to-back games, getting benched for conduct detrimental to the team, and all the other crap that he pulled. If you're a Hurricane who stands out because you're a loose cannon, that's a bad thing.

okay, i know about the back-to-back unsportsmanlike calls. the benching was in response to those calls, so you can't say that's something separate. so, as much i couldn't stand the "soldier tirade" and think the unsportsmanlike calls were bad decisions, what, praytell, is "all the other stuff he pulled?" don't throw sumpin' out there like it exists if you can't point directly to it. otherwise you're just piling on b.s.

also, i think y'all are wrong. i think winslow is gonna be a bigtime impact player, and i think we'll see that impact in his first year. i wouldn't be upset if we took him, but if we don't, i hope he sucks.


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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Cardinals.Ken said:
He wants to become a lawyer, and huff ether with his buddies in Yuma! ;)

smart boy. but i'd advise against becoming a lawyer. just begets too many potshots from the masses.


Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
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Chandler, Az
Ouchie-Z-Clown said:
also, i think y'all are wrong. i think winslow is gonna be a bigtime impact player, and i think we'll see that impact in his first year. i wouldn't be upset if we took him, but if we don't, i hope he sucks.
I agree with the Clown!


Klowned by Keim
Feb 14, 2003
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Gilbert, AZ
Ouchie-Z-Clown said:
what, praytell, is "all the other stuff he pulled?" don't throw sumpin' out there like it exists if you can't point directly to it. otherwise you're just piling on b.s.

Mostly the "soldier" tirade. I don't follow Miami football that much, but I also think that calling a $500 a seat casting call for representation doesn't speak well for a guy that "just wants to be a player."

Winslow probably will be special. For a tight end. I think that the "new" tight end phoenomenon is going to be similar to the "new" quarterback thing. There are only so many players like this. Tight ends only catch maybe five balls a game. Tony Gonzales didn't make Jonnie Morton a better player. Jeremy Shockey didn't send Amani Toomer to the Pro Bowl.

I think that you can find perfectly acceptable, neigh game-breaking, tight ends in later rounds. You don't really want to take one in the top 10. Bennie Joppru was chosen in the second round last year. Is his impact going to be that much less than Winslow's? What about Doug Jolley (2nd, 2002)? Randy McMichael (4th, 2002)? Alge Crumpler (2nd, 2001)?

If we need a tight end, we can get almost as good of one in the second round (Ben Watson), even the third (Ben Hartsock). We already have a top 10 or 15 tight end in Freddie Jones, but it didn't really help us win any games last season. I don't see why we need to invest so much in this guy when there are other special players at greater positions of need.


ASFN Lifer
Jan 18, 2004
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If people took chances on TO and MEYSHAWN someone will take a chance on him.

I have always said you can overlook character issues but with TO and Meyshawn examples of players ruining seasons if there was another good player I would pass on him especially given the position he plays. Sure it could be immaturity but it could also be ingrained. Maybe a contract saying if he misbehaves he has to give back all the money paid him - if you can get a contract like that done - then I would sign him or any troublemaking player.

Again the agent is completely irrelevant. NFL draft picks are slotted. And when the second contract comes around you can franchise him.
When the agents started causing nonsense with the Rogers pick last year DET let it be known they would pass on Rogers. The agents shut up knowing each slot drop would cost them money.

The worst thing he did in school was turn on his QB after the QB had a bad game. That is a terrible terrible sign.


Klowned by Keim
Feb 14, 2003
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Gilbert, AZ
vikesfan said:
Again the agent is completely irrelevant. NFL draft picks are slotted. And when the second contract comes around you can franchise him.
When the agents started causing nonsense with the Rogers pick last year DET let it be known they would pass on Rogers. The agents shut up knowing each slot drop would cost them money.

Do you even pay attention to the NFL? Tell the Chiefs (Ryan Simms), Vikings (Bryant McKinnie), Cards (L.J. Shelton, Wendell Bryant, Calvin Pace, Bryant Johnson), Chargers (Quentin Jammer), and Jaguars (Byron Leftwich) that agent's don't matter and that there are no negotiations to take place for rookie contracts.

What an idiot.

football karma

Michael snuggles the cap space
Jul 22, 2002
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For the average NFL franchise, negotiating a rookie contract with the Postons's isnt that big a deal. The slotting broadly defines the contract, and a deal can get done. Now, historically the Cardinals are no average franchise in negotiating rookie contracts, and I can see the real possibility of a deal getting done on a timely basis.

Its the second contract where the Postons are a problem. They always seem to seek the signing bonus record with each deal. While that of itself isnt so bad, they seem to forget whose interests they are looking after.

Orlando Pace will basically play his third year in a row under a one year franchise tender contract. All the risk is on him if he totally blows out a knee under this arrangement.


Provocateur aka Wallyburger
Supporting Member
Nov 17, 2003
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The urban swamp
Ain't gonna happen to Winslow. He may be wierd, but he is totally coachable. I don't understand the " character " issues. Those are usually applied to criminals disguised as football players. " Human garbage " ? Ouch. That is strong. He was ESPNed. :shrug: