An Army of One
Aaron Sorkin: Great writer, scumbag person.
LOL. How so?
Aaron Sorkin: Great writer, scumbag person.
LOL. How so?
You couldn't tell from his speech? Wow. He insulted the public by saying that they aren't as smart as the people that make movies.
You couldn't tell from his speech? Wow. He insulted the public by saying that they aren't as smart as the people that make movies.
Are you talking about the "elites" line? Lol I thought maybe he had a left-leaning daughter who wanted to work with "The People" and he was saying this is where you need to be.
No, that was after. This was part of his thanking Sony.
Somehow I didn't catch that. What did he say? Sony ought to be thanking Aaron Sorkin. The Network made them a really big pot full of money.
OK decided to finally watch this. It was a good movie overall. I did enjoy it even though I thought I wouldn't.
However there is no way in hell Jesse Eisenberg was even close to worthy of a Oscar nomination for this role. His nomination is a flat out joke. He wasn't bad. but he wasn't fantastic either. That role was the same throughout. Monotone and emotionless for the most part.Not bad by any means. But nothing impressive at all.
OK decided to finally watch this. It was a good movie overall. I did enjoy it even though I thought I wouldn't.
However there is no way in hell Jesse Eisenberg was even close to worthy of a Oscar nomination for this role. His nomination is a flat out joke. He wasn't bad. but he wasn't fantastic either. That role was the same throughout. Monotone and emotionless for the most part.Not bad by any means. But nothing impressive at all.
I've never seen him in anything else, but have you seen the real Zuckerberg? There's a reason he was being monotone and emotionless, that's how the real guy is in real life. It's why he has this weird persona people don't know if he's cold blooded or just so intelligent and socially awkward that he doesn't get that he's being that way..
There's been several interviews done over the last year with former employees who basically say that's how he is, he's not very receptive to other ideas and he often leaves you feeling very small if he doesn't like your idea.
That may be true. but from an acting standpoint it wouldn't be a hard role to pull off. I think him being up for an Oscar is just plain dumb.
I had absolutely no desire to see this film. In fact if it wasn't a David Fincher film i would have easily stayed away.
I was thoroughly engrossed(i like that word) by it. Very well done.
Best picture? Meh...not in my eyes.
Colin Firth farts in Eisenberg's general direction. Firth's performance in "King's Speech" (and A Single Man last year) was so much better of a performance it is not even funny.