Things I believe the Suns are working on...


Jan 14, 2003
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Things I believe the Suns are working on...

1. Suns will try to get the Bobcats to take Jahidi White and our future 1st
round draft pick for next year ( rumor ).

I know rumors come a dime a dozen but this one doesn't seem like such a
crack pot idea, however I dont think this deal is pivitol to what happens on
draft day so it may not go down.

-With a deal like this the Suns are clearing cap space for more flexability

2. Suns will attempt to draft Shaun Livingston ( not very likely )

3. if Livingston is not available suns will trade down in the draft to the Utah
Jazz and the Jazz will pick up Howard Eisley
and cash.

If this deal falls through the Suns will draft Josh Childress just in case
Zarko never recovers, to back up Shawn Marion, or to just use in a future

4. If they do get the Jazz deal done with a lower pick from the Jazz the suns
will be looking to draft Jameer Nelson, but now with his stock rising he
may not be there.

If he is not there the suns will draft the best available player regardless of
need simply for depth.

I believe they will be trying to get a point guard in the draft or free agency
simply for depth at the position and my gut is telling me they want to
experiment with having Barbosa as a combo guard coming off the bench. I
love barbosa's game but I think his pure point guard skills are limited.

Point guards

LIvingston, Nelson, or F.A (Nash) providing we get rid of Eisley's or White's
contract and we dont get either of the first two guards

Shooting Guard

Joe Johnson
Casey Jacobson

Small forward

Shown Marion
Josh Childress (providing the Utah deal doesn't go through)
Zarko Cabarkapa
Casey Jacobson

Power Foward

Amare Stadamire
Antonio Mcdyse (hopefully but not likely)
Majike Lampe


F.A. (Dampier)
Maciej Lampe
Jake Vohskul

I think this years draft theme is centered around depth and cap flexability to
give them the option of going after a big name star or veteren leadership since we all know this is not one of the greatest draft classes.

Please let me know what you think and be honest I am not thin skinned and we are all entitled to our own opinion.
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Registered User
Nov 19, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
The deal with Charlotte will get done, and it will most likely be for 3 million cash and the cleavland pick.

Livingston might be a target, but I think they would need to trade up in order to do it.

The suns may trade down, but they will not be able to rid themselves of Eisley (it is hard enough to concieve it happening without taking a pick back, so I would think it is impossible to get a lower pick)

Josh Childress will not be drafted unless Marion is moved. Doubtful even then. However if they want someone to back up Marion, they would take a bigger project in hope of a better return (Josh Smith for example)

The Suns will try to get a serious read on Kobe this week (or they already have). If they think they have a good shot, they will put all efforts into that.

If they are unsure, they will consider getting into more serious discussions with Orlando.

If they miss on both of those, I dont really know what they will do. (I dont think they do either...)


Oct 8, 2002
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There’s no question that the Cleveland pick and $3M is on the table for the Bobcats. Now it’s just a question of whether the ’Cats will bite. We’ll know on Tuesday.

I’ll be very surprised if Livingston is still on the board at #7.

George O'Brien

Nov 22, 2003
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Sun City
capologist said:
There’s no question that the Cleveland pick and $3M is on the table for the Bobcats. Now it’s just a question of whether the ’Cats will bite. We’ll know on Tuesday.

I’ll be very surprised if Livingston is still on the board at #7.

1. The Charlotte paper reported the White and future pick as effectively a "done deal" along with a glowing review of White (not to mention having only one year on his contract).

2. I think it is unlikely that Livingston will be on the board. There is a slightly higher chance that Gordon will be available but it is still unlikely.

3. Trading Eisley to Utah would certainly require the #7 and probably more.

4. The Suns will take the best player available, IN THEIR OPINION. I have no clue who that is. In any case, I have serious doubts that they will do a reach for a PG but will take one like Livingston or Gordon if he is consided the best player available.


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Oct 26, 2002
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Even if Jazz were to take #7 and Eisley, the Suns might not want this additional cap space unless they were sure to get Kobe. Eisley is overpaid but still a useful player if not injured, and he'll be a trading asset after next season. If we'd get Gordon or Iguodala with the pick, it's not worth it.

George O'Brien

Nov 22, 2003
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Sun City
cly2tw said:
Even if Jazz were to take #7 and Eisley, the Suns might not want this additional cap space unless they were sure to get Kobe. Eisley is overpaid but still a useful player if not injured, and he'll be a trading asset after next season. If we'd get Gordon or Iguodala with the pick, it's not worth it.

I run hot and cold on this issue. My guess is that they will not do anything until after the draft when they have a better idea of what they can use their cap space for. This means taking a guy who may in turn be traded which makes BEST PLAYER AVAILABLE crucial.


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Oct 26, 2002
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George O'Brien said:
I run hot and cold on this issue. My guess is that they will not do anything until after the draft when they have a better idea of what they can use their cap space for. This means taking a guy who may in turn be traded which makes BEST PLAYER AVAILABLE crucial.

Relax! With our cap, we re in the driver's seat this offseason. :cool:


Feb 6, 2004
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cly2tw said:
Relax! With our cap, we re in the driver's seat this offseason. :cool:
With Jahidi off the books, I agree we are in the best position of all the teams under the salary cap. That 6 mill puts us with the big boys as far as cap room. Some may have way more cap room, but this gives us enough to play with them, as they are less attractive in some way.

But we are in good shape on all counts.. city (weather), organization rep for treating players well, excellent core of young players. The other competitors lack in some respect. Denver is probably the closest.

The trade exception that teams over the cap get if a player is picked in the expansion draft could throw someone who is in decent cap position into the mix. But to compete with us, they would have to get a high-paid player taken by Charlotte, and I don't think they are gonna take those kind, unless they work a trade with that player.

I do like our chances. Just wish it was a better crop of FA's.


Registered User
Oct 21, 2002
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salt lake city
here are the things that i think the suns plans are.

expansion draft: white, cash and clevelands pick.

draft: i think if we can get white it would be good, but i dont think he is going to be there. i think we are going to take harris and or Biedrins (in hopes that he will be a solid shot blocker in the mold of ratliff).

free agents: i think that it is very likely that the team will look at okur and nash. do i think that they are the best answers? no but at least with okur he will be here when amare reaches his prime and has been very well coached.

Joe Mama

Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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Gilbert, AZ
I saw Mike D'Antoni on one of the local sports shows last night. He really was not willing to concede that Kobe Bryant is a virtual lock to stay in LA although rules about free agents made it difficult for him to really comment. He also indicated that the Phoenix Suns would at least looking into acquiring Shaquille O'Neal. He also sounded like he thought that McGrady was a possibility. What did I get from the interview? He seemed to believe that the Phoenix Suns could possibly acquire any one of those players. He didn't rule anything out.

I sure hope the Charlotte newspapers are correct. $3 million cash and Cleveland pick for taking Jahidi White is a good deal for the Phoenix Suns. Even if they don't get a superstar with that money it should be enough to upgrade the center position.

It's still wouldn't surprise me if the Phoenix Suns traded down or more likely out of the draft. More probably they will stay at #7 and take the best player that drops to them. I'm really hoping that one of the six teams above them reaches for a player that isn't currently projected to go before #7. I don't think there's any chance the Suns are going to take Biedrins. I believe their list looks something like this.

Gordon (D'Antoni indicated they feel he is the best at this point)
Josh Smith/Childress/Harris

Joe Mama