I realize you have the unique degree of insight that qualifies you to dismiss out of hand any idea that doesn't agree with yours, but the rest of us endure the courtesy of joining conversations on their own terms.
I guess people go on message boards as the crave interaction - any interaction - so is that they will discuss fantasy scenarios devoid of reality.
As someone already stated no way in hell has Ennis "trade value" decreased based on 4 average Summer League games. If Toronto wanted him before, they still want him now - and maybe even moreso. Not only is the entire premise of what you are discussing faulty (the Suns aren't ready to trade Ennis, can't right now even if they wanted too, and even if they could would get value for him) but your argument of "should have traded him before maybe we get a 2nd now" is ignorant in its own right. Assuming the premise is worth discussing. Which others besides me have pointed the topic is at best premature and at worst complete and utter mental masterbaution.
Why don't I start a thread called "Purple Unicorns and Chocolate Popcorn" and you can writea 10 paragraph post in their pontificating about nonsense and then the rest of us can know not to go in that thread and waste our time reading it?