Thoughts on Warner


B a n n ed WARRIOR
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
Lynn Haven Florida(Panama City)1 mile away.
Still, if he is asking God to take the desire to play football away if He wants Kurt to retire, that says to me Kurt still wants to play, at least when he made that statement. And he's got to be looking at his 40 year old counterpart playing in the NFC championship game, too.

I've been asking GOD to take it away from me for a much longer time and he has'nt chosen to move on that yet.So I'm not sure Brenda is gonna get her wish.The longer it takes the better chance we have of seeing Kurt back on the field.I hope he takes a long time as long as he stays in close touch with Coach Whiz and they both know what is going on.Whiz will know which way he is leaning so he can form the team around that.Kurt would never hold this team up from moving forward without him.

I truly believe he has a hope that Matt gets his shot and succeeds in his chance to take the flag and run with it.Something you will never see again in this dog eat dog world of the NFL.Kurt Warner is a one of a kind.

Hope if he retires the haters don't think he let the team down by not completing his two year contract.I'm hoping he fullfills the contract so he does'nt have that backlash myself.He does'nt deserve to hear from P.O.'ed fans after what he's done.Especially when he's gonna live and serve in that same community for life probably.:)