In recent months the Cards board passed over 1,000,000 post. That is more than twice its nearest competitor. Congratulations to all the board members and creator of this board. We may not be large in numbers but we do have things we want to say.
In recent months the Cards board passed over 1,000,000 post. That is more than twice its nearest competitor. Congratulations to all the board members and creator of this board. We may not be large in numbers but we do have things we want to say.
For an overseas fan trying to get as much info and insight as possible on the Cards, this site is awesome.
If your a true fan of a team, you will post even when the season record is not so good. For years on average it has been tough being a cardinal fan...but to remain one, you must be one passionate individual and those stats in comparison to other team forums prove it. I would easily say that a true Cardinal fan is more passionate about their team than probably 90% of other team's fan bases