Tuesday, Reid was going to HC in Arizona, and we were hoping Horton would be a part of the Reid program
Yesterday, Reid spent 8 hours with the Chiefs, Horton came out all smiles after talking to Mikey, and said flat out he plans to be a HC this year.
Should get some news on the Az/Walrus meeting, if it's cut short, like less than 2 hours short...we might have to drop him from the goose chase. At some point, the goose chase will probably turn to McCoy and also the college coach Mikey has hinted on a couple times.
Desertdawg's useless odds
Horton 60% chance of the job
Reid 10%
Kelly 15%
McCoy 15%
Yesterday, Reid spent 8 hours with the Chiefs, Horton came out all smiles after talking to Mikey, and said flat out he plans to be a HC this year.
Should get some news on the Az/Walrus meeting, if it's cut short, like less than 2 hours short...we might have to drop him from the goose chase. At some point, the goose chase will probably turn to McCoy and also the college coach Mikey has hinted on a couple times.
Desertdawg's useless odds
Horton 60% chance of the job
Reid 10%
Kelly 15%
McCoy 15%