I don't understand all the negative nancy, sissy stuff sometimes. I'm 43 years old and was dying for a team to come to AZ. When the Cardinals came here I was overjoyed and I still am. I'd much rather complain about our team, than complain we don't have one. For anyone who remembers the decades of no football team here, this is nothing. Not only that, and I hate to say this, but not only that, if you're a real Cardinal fan and are old enough, you've seen this team pull much worse crap than this. Way worse. You should be used to it.
Having said that, what's to get so stressed about? Because we're 1-3 and lost to Seattle, or even because we should be 4-0. If we deserved to be 4-0 we would be. You are what you are. Look at the Bills and look at the Lions, two teams who made tremendous strides this year so far, just tremendous. Anyone think they're going to the Superbowl? Anyone even think they'll win one playoff game? Records after 4 games don't impress me (although they have, on occasion depressed the hell out of me). Sure I'd rather be at anything other than 1-3 or 0-4, but for the most part I think this team is improved vastly over last years (although you can't really tell that sometimes). All I ask for is improvement.
And, I just have to add, we're going to tear up the 2nd half of our schedule, just dominate it. Mark my words.