True. I guess no more than grammar policing on a forum to begin with.
Only when it's someone fun.
True. I guess no more than grammar policing on a forum to begin with.
Only when it's someone fun.
I will take that as a compliment.
Anyhoo, how did the Batman Vs. Superman look in 4K? I just watched the regular Blu-ray last night and it was awesome.
That it was.
I don't have a 4K Projector or TV. I watched the entire Blu Ray thinking the extra footage would be there but it was only on the 4K disc. I was sort of PO. I would be curious to get a review from someone as well. Especially, because HDR is really being so hyped.
Oh, sorry. For some reason I thought you had one of the earlier models. My bad.
I have been debating getting the Sumsung 4K player but balked on the Projector or 4K TV for now because of all the craziness around the new HDMI spec, HDR etc. I almost purchased a 4K TV at Christmas but glad I didn't because of the new HDR spec.
thinking about getting this one
Weird. I don't see anything.
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