I try to be fun and not complain when the amazing spy/butler "Dutch" hacks encrypted computer signals that are unbreakable through a dinky terminal in a hotel room or an airplane hanger or tracks a cell phone from a dinner table, I let all that stuff go because it's a means to an end, but at some point even my 7 year old is saying, uhh you cant do that.
The setup was atleast an hour long and nothing was happening. Like when soundwave attacked them at Chernobyl when it was 10 on 1 but they're just like, meh, let him go, nothing bad can come from letting him exist, I mean we're here to hunt him down but w/e, I'm tired.
Optimus Prime is the worst "hero" I've ever seen in a movie. He's supposed to be a "prime" which means he's a total badass, yet he's ALWAYS 10 minutes late to the show, he ALWAYS get's his ass kicked and then he magically gets a break to defeat EVERYONE at the end. For example, he flies in at the end and totally destroys about 20 enemy robots with ease thanks to his amazing spinning Ninja move, only to be thwarted by getting tangled in some steel cables which he cannot escape even with 5 robots trying to help him, then gets his ass kicked by the main villian, they monologue throught the fight and then OP suddenly kills him and Megatron with one arm.
Not to mention Shia, the chick and all the main military guys falling out of a building, sliding down a building, falling through glass, falling through another building, falling off space ships, falling out of cars, jumping out of planes, and not getting ANY injuries that require any more medical treatment than a warm shower.
What happened to not negotiating with terrorists America? The enemy robots are taking over and threaten us with war and want humans to banish the only beings on the planet who can possibly keep up with them and we're just like; "ok thats cool, there's no way there's an alternative plan here."
Also you gotta love Frances Mcdormands (obligatory 'person in charge who refuses to accept reality) character. The other prime betrays them all and is destroying the base and is raiding the vault with a bunch of decepticon buddies and her strategy is to say; "HEY SENTINEL, WHADDA YOU THINK YOU'RE DOIN!?!?!!" wow, just wow
And how bout Patrick Dempsey's character,,, this dude is supposedly looking out for #1 yet even in the face of total defeat and the opportunity to save earth he suddenly develops unyeilding loyalty (totally out of character) to the decepticons and is now hell bent on helping them destroy his planet even though he has seen that they will obviously not honor their agreement with him, thus betraying his mercenary motives.
It's like they make a terrible movie with a plot that makes no sense with terrible acting but there is stuff blowing up and someone saying "We're fightin for FREEDOM" and everyone gushes over it. I really just wanted it to be over, and I still dont appreciate Michael Bay constantly killing hundreds of service-men in his movies with little-to-no fan fare, simply considering them all collateral damage. Everytime a robot dies the movie goes into slow-mo and tears for 10 mins but he kills off dozens of Marines in every film without batting an eye.
It was so terrible I cant believe I'm wasting my time typing about it but seriously, it was so bad I needed to vent. That's all kids.