It's so insane that 4 out of the 9 first round picks Keim has made have been MLBs or MLB converts, and none of them have really panned out.
Meanwhile, he's spent 0 first round picks and 1 2nd round pick on pass rushers, although he did trade a 2nd for CJ. It's such a backwards way to build a team under the guise of BPA.
He didn't need to use high picks on pass rushers in the past. He had Golden and Jones for most of his tenure.
It does highlight though that you don't NEED a CJ to be successful. Before he was Golden and CJ we relied on guys like Sam Acho, Lamarr Woodley, Matt Shaughnessy, Alex Okafor, Lorenzo Alexander, Kareem Martin etc. Those great teams of the BA years from 2013-15 didn't have great outside rushers. Largely didn't have good ones.