Don't cheat if you heard it on 1060
Originally posted by SECTION 11
Don't cheat if you heard it on 1060
Originally posted by bankybruce
New York Islanders
Originally posted by BEERZ
Lakers....? oh wait they dont take it serious enough
Originally posted by Renz
Man! Everyone is piling on the Lakers. They won three championships in a row! How hard is that? Give my boys some love. We may not see another threepeat in our lifetime.
Originally posted by Renz
Man! Everyone is piling on the Lakers. They won three championships in a row! How hard is that? Give my boys some love. We may not see another threepeat in our lifetime.
Originally posted by cheesebeef
Kobe gets no love with that jacket on - I don't care how famous or rich he is.
<p>The Short Skirters from the Van Buren Hooker League.Originally posted by SECTION 11
Don't cheat if you heard it on 1060
Originally posted by SECTION 11
Billy Smith, Trottier, Bossy and the rest of the boys.
Originally posted by RugbyMuffin
What's the frickin answer!
Fine! Don't tell us!
Kings of the Cup - Lions Rugby/Beerpong league:
Jason Cairns and Joe Millard (that's me!) - 1st four years in college won the Lions rugby beer pong tourney !
To quote one Joe Millard, " The trick is to find the biggest gun in the game, stand next to him, and talk as much sh*t! as possible."
Since Mr. Cairns was automatic!
And anyone not calling this a sport is crazy! Try playing 10 rounds of beer pong and consistly throw a little ball into a cup of beer. The trick is to pay less attention the drunker you get and let the force be with you!
Originally posted by seesred
Remember one for the thumb? I wanted to cut all thumbs in that city off! Who were these footballers?
Originally posted by seesred
You win an all expense trip to Ajo! The Pittsburg steelers on for the thumb! I'd like our Crads to get one for the pinky first.