***********SPOILERS POSSIBLE********************
Well, I saw it last night, and suffice to say, it was full of problems. The entire second act was a snoozefest. Even though the last 15 minutes or so redeemed it a little bit, the negatives far outweigh the positives.
Who were the good guys? The bad guys? Who do you root for? The last half hour of the movie I was rooting for Lucien, but even that might not have been right.
The acting was ok with some of the actors, horrendous with others. The guy playing Kraven was hands down the worst acting performance I've seen all year. I laughed every time he spoke, he was THAT bad.
The effects were seemless though, but I had a problem with the fact that the director decided not to give a very clear shot of the werewolves. My guess is it had to do with the makeup jobs--they must not have had very high confidence in the realism of the creatures. Plus, the vampires didn't do ANYTHING bad except in flashbacks. I'm not sure whether that was intentional because the vamps seemed to leave the humans alone (why??), but the end throws out the "Vampires living in peace with Humans" theory. Their motives were unclear throughout the entire movie.
All in all, I like the style, but it lacked substance, and while that's good in some movies, it isn't in this one. Not really recommended, at least not until it comes out on video.