Various Thoughts


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
Reaction score
Wrentham, MA
1. I think the Cardinals should try to add an extra coach---an offensive tackle coach. Russ Grimm was one of the very best and dominant guards to ever buckle a chinstrap. And when you think about it---he has gotten whatever guards he's had to play well. I never thought Reggie Wells, for example, could be a good guard---but under Grimm he was. Lutui was, regardless of his weight---as were Colledge and Hadnot this past year. But---in the 5 years that Grimm has been the OL coach---the tackle play has fallen measurably short of the guard play---hence let's get a tackle guru in here to finally get these tackles playing more fundamentally sound---especially if the team is going to draft Jonathan Martin or Mike Adams at #13.

2. I can't help but think that Patriots' fans today are feeling what we Cardinal fans felt three years ago---having the game decided on uncanny passes in the final two minutes....and having the clock become the enemy.

3. That said, I cannot recall ever watching a game where 3 12 men on the field or huddle penalties were called---the last of which was the most strategic and egregious---I mean how can it be that a defense can play 12 on the field, take 9 seconds off the clock with less than 20 seconds left in the game and only be penalized 5 yards? But---if YOU were TC---why wouldn't you? The rules permit it.

4. Smart things win ballgames---the smartest thing anyone did on the game was Eli Manning rushing his offense back to the l.o.s to snap the ball after the Manningham miracle (really---the fact that the Pats still had double coverage on him when Hicks and Cruz were decoys to the right with Manning initially looking that way, and Manning turning left and delivering a 30 yard pass to the backside sideline into the tightest of windows---in some ways as improbable the David Tyree velcro miracle off of a miracle escape from pressure and that could/should well have been a sure in the grasp call)---because it cost the Patriots a timeout that still could have won them the Super Bowl.

5. That said, how come 90 million viewers, who saw the replay of Manningham's catch to know immediately that it was a catch had to endure a 10 minute replay hiatus---and the repeat of the same stupid Bud Light commercials---to finally get the game going again. Please Roger Goodell---sure you want to make the advertising money---but THIS HAS TO STOP---preserve the integrity of the game and ensure the flow of the game.

6. My own personal feeling---I do not see why football games or any American sporting event should be regarded as moments to self-aggrandize the American military or the American flag. It's nauseating. Football game are not war games---and they do not represent patriotism, nor should the propagandize patriotism.

I think of Pat Tillman---his patriotism wasn't inspired by football games---just the opposite really---what inspired Pat Tillman's extraordinary patriotism was the instinct he felt to fight for his country in the wake of 9/11.

Football coaches wear hats with army stripes and those inappropriate (in this context), out of place military adornments---listen coaches---if you really want to wear the stripes, do what Pat Tillman did---say fu to football and join the real army.

The truth is about pro football---virtually no one in his right mind would play the game without the millions the current pros are being paid for it.

Pat Tillman said fu to the millions of dollars.

Out of respect for Pat Tillman---and for all the men and women who actually risk their lives for our country---STOP selling the NFL coaches and players as Sunday warriors---they are Sunday entrepreneurs.


Yogi n da Bear
Mar 20, 2004
Reaction score
The Sonoran Jungle - West
1. I think the Cardinals should try to add an extra coach---an offensive tackle coach. Russ Grimm was one of the very best and dominant guards to ever buckle a chinstrap. And when you think about it---he has gotten whatever guards he's had to play well. I never thought Reggie Wells, for example, could be a good guard---but under Grimm he was. Lutui was, regardless of his weight---as were Colledge and Hadnot this past year. But---in the 5 years that Grimm has been the OL coach---the tackle play has fallen measurably short of the guard play---hence let's get a tackle guru in here to finally get these tackles playing more fundamentally sound---especially if the team is going to draft Jonathan Martin or Mike Adams at #13.

Couldn't agree more about the extra OL coach. But Grimm would never give his consent to that. They'd have to hire an assistant w/o his consent. Not likely.

To bad because there's a better than 90% chance it will be an OT first. It's a huge need right now.

Dr. Jones

Has No Time For Love
Nov 2, 2004
Reaction score
Whiz admit that Grimm isn't good at his primary job?
Grimm have the humility to acknowledge he might be poor at an O-line position?

Don't see either of these happening.


7 x 70
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Agree with just about all of this Mitch... As for the 12 Man on the field penalty - the league should take a very serious look at this and, instead of just a slap on the wrist 5 yard penalty, they should also put the time back on the clock! I mean, the Giants (for whom I was rooting for of course!) actually benefited by that penality as something like 15 seconds were lost on the play... that's just wrong.

And, you're spot on of course about the NFL's distasteful attempt at linking itself to the military. I can't believe we don't hear more barking from our military about this, as they are being used in the worst way... to grab at the hearts of America in order to sell more NFL stuff. So sad. And of course, it won't change. America will continue to gobble up the NFL in ever increasing mouthfulls. The players will become more and more like mercenaries - as will the coaches. Uggghhhh.... what a dilemma as it still remains the best spectator sport (on TV and in person) our country offers... :bang:


May 14, 2002
Reaction score
Holmdel, NJ
Mitch -

1. We didn't lose the SB due to a multiplicity of blunders. Yesterday's game deciders were the 4 dropped passes and the under thrown pass to Gronkowski. By contrast, I cannot recall a clutch pass dropped by a Giant. Plus - the ball bounced the Giants' way 2 out of 2 (or maybe 3 out of 3) times. Plus the safety and the 12-men penalty didn't help the Pats either.

2. If I were a betting man, I'd bet the farm on Grimm working solo (without a tackle assistant). Them's just the way it is.

3. So is the militarization/patriotism aspect of football "the way it is" (football is a territorial, physical game). I'm content to hate war, honor our troops, understand our need to be secure and love my fellow Americans (be they peaceniks, chicken hawks or everything in between).
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Supporting Member
Feb 2, 2003
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ.
Mitch -

1. We didn't lose the SB due to a multiplicity of blunders. Yesterday's game deciders were the 4 dropped passes and the under thrown pass to Gronkowski. By contrast, I cannot recall a clutch pass dropped by a Giant. Plus - the ball bounced the Giants' way 2 out of 2 (or maybe 3 out of 3) times. Plus the safety and the 12-men penalty didn't help the Pats either.

2. If I were a betting man, I'd bet the farm on Grimm working solo (without a tackle assistant). Them's just the way it is.

3. So is the militarization/patriotism aspect of football "the way it is" (football is a territorial, physical game). I'm content to hate war, honor our troops, understand our need to be secure and love my fellow Americans (be they peaceniks, chicken hawks or everything in between).

It's just that you love some more than others.;)


Chickens can't clap!
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Mystic, CT
6. My own personal feeling---I do not see why football games or any American sporting event should be regarded as moments to self-aggrandize the American military or the American flag. It's nauseating. Football game are not war games---and they do not represent patriotism, nor should the propagandize patriotism.

The military spends at least $600 million a year in advertising for recruiting purposes. While I agree the NFL does actively try to build 'patriotism' into their brand; I think that it's more about business (military ad revenue).

Personally, I served in the military and don't care one way or the other. However, based on anecdote I think it's meaningful for the sailors, soldiers, airmen and marines to be honored publicly.

I'm much more irritated with all the dumb car commercials. I'd much prefer 60 seconds of screaming eagles crapping stars and stripes on to little Arab children than to watch yet another stupid car commercial.
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Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Cave Creek
Anyone have a picture of the hats and adornments (outside of the lapel flag pins) Mitch is referring to?

(Sorry Mitch. I'm drawing a total blank and usually I'm pretty tuned into that sort of stuff.)
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ASFN Addict
May 27, 2010
Reaction score
Tempe, AZ
I don't mind it during the SB. It's being watched around the world. And I think it's only right to remind people that we still have troops overseas. I think it's a little dose of reality--that while we're all drinking it up and passing the nachos, sitting with friends and family, that we have troops unable to be with theirs.


Yogi n da Bear
Mar 20, 2004
Reaction score
The Sonoran Jungle - West
I'm much more irritated with all the dumb car commercials. I'd much prefer 60 seconds of screaming eagles crapping stars and stripes on to little Arab children than to watch yet another stupid car commercial.

Car commercials and smart phones. :bang:

It's like your un-American if by some extraordinary circumstance you didn't have either.

And just the number of commercials is ridiculous. I missed almost the entire pre-game hype and commercials. Didn't miss a thing.


Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
Car commercials and smart phones. :bang:

It's like your un-American if by some extraordinary circumstance you didn't have either.

And just the number of commercials is ridiculous. I missed almost the entire pre-game hype and commercials. Didn't miss a thing.

I don't know how you get around not having a smart phone.

I don't want a smart phone, I don't need to text people, I don't need to send pictures, listen to music, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., on my phone.

Yet, try finding anything that gives you:

A. Call quality that allows you to communicate with the person you are talking know, the primary function of these "things" we call phones.

B. A way to NOT pay for texted, and all the other stupid things that happen on phones these days.

It ain't going to happen. Even if you don't want texts, they come anyway and you HAVE TO pay for them, and the same with pictures, and all the other crap that is sent over phones these days.

You end up paying around $200 with a smart phone, or $200 without a smart phone. Both prices are ridiculous. I cannot BELIEVE paying over $75 to talk on the phone let alone close to 3x that much. But it is what it is. I have tried every which way to lower my phone bills: land lines, pre-paid, internet phone, this phone company, that phone company.

Always ends up costing me $200/month no matter how I cut it up.


May 14, 2002
Reaction score
Holmdel, NJ
I'm much more irritated with all the dumb car commercials...
I've out of the ad biz for quite some time now, so time has no doubt passed me by, but:

I thought this year's crop of Super Bowl spots was the worst I can remember.

I was brought up to believe that, to be successful, a spot should "run in a straight line" from a beginning to an end with nothing irrelevent in between to distract the viewer.

It could state a problem and show how the product or service was the solution. It could dramatize the usefulness of a product or service. It could make an unfamiliar or new product "look big." It could show how a product or service was different-from or better than its competitors. It could introduce a dazzling, funky new idea.

But always simply and directly - going from Point A to Point B with a minimum of distraction, irrelevence and confusion.

Yet Sunday, we saw a lot of bells and whistles that often had nothing to do with what made the product useful, cool, distinct or better. Just a bunch of marching bands, special effects, yuks and women in bikinis that might entertain but certainly didn't sell.

(Anecdote - Someone once asked the late advertising guru Bill Bernbach whether showing a man upside down in an ad would be a good idea. Bernbach's response: "Sure, if it's for a product that keeps coins from falling out of your pockets").

I liked the Clint Eastwood spot (Aside from its politics, it said what it had to say in a straightforward, inspiring manner. My only nitpick is that most viewers will remember it as the "Eastwood Spot" and not that it was for Chrysler products).

Other than that, I can't recall any other commercial that moved me.

I think a possible reason for this trend is that, unlike the "good old days" when agencies were paid 15% commissions on the amount of ads they placed, many of them rely on their receiving a big cut of the production costs of the commercials they produce - an incentive for them to create expensive extravaganzas (i.e. marching bands, rave dancers, car chases and singing dogs) rather than just tell the product's story.

Dr. Jones

Has No Time For Love
Nov 2, 2004
Reaction score
I don't know how you get around not having a smart phone.

I don't want a smart phone, I don't need to text people, I don't need to send pictures, listen to music, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., on my phone.

Yet, try finding anything that gives you:

A. Call quality that allows you to communicate with the person you are talking know, the primary function of these "things" we call phones.

B. A way to NOT pay for texted, and all the other stupid things that happen on phones these days.

It ain't going to happen. Even if you don't want texts, they come anyway and you HAVE TO pay for them, and the same with pictures, and all the other crap that is sent over phones these days.

You end up paying around $200 with a smart phone, or $200 without a smart phone. Both prices are ridiculous. I cannot BELIEVE paying over $75 to talk on the phone let alone close to 3x that much. But it is what it is. I have tried every which way to lower my phone bills: land lines, pre-paid, internet phone, this phone company, that phone company.

Always ends up costing me $200/month no matter how I cut it up.

Sorry for the hijack.... This will be my only post about it.

These are the per-month cost (before tax) for 2 lines on these prepaid carriers.

Virgin Mobile prepaid.... $110 per month for 2 android smartphones. Unlimited everything.

Dont need a smartphone? If you go with a simple flip phone you can do:
Wal-Mart Family Mobile - $80 for talk,text, & web. Unlimited everything. T-Mobile network


Straight Talk - Again, Wal-Mart. Can do a flip phone or a smartphone.
$90 per month for unlimited everything.
$60 per month, 1000 minutes (per phone), 1000sms (per phone), 30MB data (per phone)

PM me if you have any specific questions. Tons of ways to get it cheaper now. Everything I listed is prepaid by the way.


Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
Sorry for the hijack.... This will be my only post about it.

These are the per-month cost (before tax) for 2 lines on these prepaid carriers.

Virgin Mobile prepaid.... $110 per month for 2 android smartphones. Unlimited everything.

Dont need a smartphone? If you go with a simple flip phone you can do:
Wal-Mart Family Mobile - $80 for talk,text, & web. Unlimited everything. T-Mobile network


Straight Talk - Again, Wal-Mart. Can do a flip phone or a smartphone.
$90 per month for unlimited everything.
$60 per month, 1000 minutes (per phone), 1000sms (per phone), 30MB data (per phone)

PM me if you have any specific questions. Tons of ways to get it cheaper now. Everything I listed is prepaid by the way.


Very much appreciated.


Chopped Liver Moderator
Super Moderator
Supporting Member
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
3. That said, I cannot recall ever watching a game where 3 12 men on the field or huddle penalties were called---the last of which was the most strategic and egregious---I mean how can it be that a defense can play 12 on the field, take 9 seconds off the clock with less than 20 seconds left in the game and only be penalized 5 yards? But---if YOU were TC---why wouldn't you? The rules permit it.

I thought the exact same thing out loud while watching the game. I would have done it again.


Chopped Liver Moderator
Super Moderator
Supporting Member
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
4. Smart things win ballgames---the smartest thing anyone did on the game was Eli Manning rushing his offense back to the l.o.s to snap the ball after the Manningham miracle (really---the fact that the Pats still had double coverage on him when Hicks and Cruz were decoys to the right with Manning initially looking that way, and Manning turning left and delivering a 30 yard pass to the backside sideline into the tightest of windows---in some ways as improbable the David Tyree velcro miracle off of a miracle escape from pressure and that could/should well have been a sure in the grasp call)---because it cost the Patriots a timeout that still could have won them the Super Bowl.

Not sure I understand this one. If I remember right, the play clock stopped because he was forced out of bounds. Why is this so important?


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
Reaction score
Not sure I understand this one. If I remember right, the play clock stopped because he was forced out of bounds. Why is this so important?

it's not about the play-clock, it's about the fact that since Eli was ready to run another play so quickly, it forced The Hoodie to call a timeout he was going to need later in the game.


That Rapscallion!!
May 13, 2002
Reaction score
it's not about the play-clock, it's about the fact that since Eli was ready to run another play so quickly, it forced The Hoodie to call a timeout he was going to need later in the game.
He didn't call time out, he challenged. I think Mitch's point is that they got to the line so quickly that nobody in the Patriots booth had time to look at the play and Belichick had to decide whether to challenge or not without a second look.


That Rapscallion!!
May 13, 2002
Reaction score
I thought the exact same thing out loud while watching the game. I would have done it again.
Seriously. Why not run 15 guys out there? The clock burns time and they get 5 yards. Not much help when they need a whole lotta yards and very little time to do it.
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Open the Roof!
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Seriously. Why not run 15 guys out there? The clock burns time and you get 5 yards. Not much help when you need a whole lotta yards and very little time to do it.

I thought the exact same thing when it happened. Not a bad tradeoff for the D at all.


Chopped Liver Moderator
Super Moderator
Supporting Member
Aug 19, 2005
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it's not about the play-clock, it's about the fact that since Eli was ready to run another play so quickly, it forced The Hoodie to call a timeout he was going to need later in the game.

He didn't call time out, he challenged. I think Mitch's point is that they got to the line so quickly that nobody in the Patriots booth had time to look at the play and Belichick had to decide whether to challenge or not without a second look.

Eh, ok. I see what he is getting at. Although, I think that play was so important, they would have challenged anyway.

Cardinal Bob

Glutton for Punishment
Jan 9, 2003
Reaction score
Garwood, NJ
I read somewhere (I think it was in Simmons' post Super Bowl Column) that the Giants fumbled 5 times in the two Super Bowls (2007 & this one) and got the ball back each time (4 recoveries and the 12 men penalty). Talk about lucky bounces!


Jun 10, 2002
Reaction score
Car commercials and smart phones. :bang:

It's like your un-American if by some extraordinary circumstance you didn't have either.

And just the number of commercials is ridiculous. I missed almost the entire pre-game hype and commercials. Didn't miss a thing.

I was in Mexico and the feed we got must have been European. No US commercials just ESPN promoting future soccer, rugby and tennis matches.

It was strange at first but like you said I don't feel like I missed anything.