Phill11 said:No.
Injury prone, not a leader. I say no. Marion is better than Vince anyday.
SweetD said:ok I am a hommer but this is going to far. I don't like compairing players... Marion and Vince are different players. 1on1 and with the game on the line I would go with Vince any day. Marion is a guy who will do the dirty work and put up ok numbers but will not be the #1 option for your team. But I would for the Suns take Marion over Vince right now.
Poor guy is in Canada... He doesn't have anyone else on his team to help.Chris_Sanders said:My only problem with Vince Carter is that he is injury prone. He is an amazing talent outside of that.
I also haven't seen him make anyone else around him better, which you think he would do with all the attention he gets on offense. Maybe that is just more of an indictment of his teammates.
cheng said:yes only if he is healthy
he did almost took his team to the conference finals by himself
the problem is that his coachs always had allowed him to take way too many 3s.
George O'Brien said:Carter is a jerk. He is very acrobatic, but he only shot 41.7% this year.
Phill11 said:Very true. He can't shoot. Marion isn't much better. But Marion plays defense, rebounds, and brings more energy than Vince, IMO.
George O'Brien said:I know I'm being picky, but it seems to me that a super shooter should have a higher average than Marion at 44% in a terrible year. In 2001-02, Marion shot 46.9% and 39.3% for three. In 2002-03, he shot 45.2% and 38.7% for three while scoring 21.2ppg.
Last summer Marion did not spend enough time working on his shooting and it took him over 2/3 of the season to find the range. Prior to 2002-03 (his All Star year), he spend the summer with the US National team.
I think that Marion will have a huge year this year with Nash running the offense.
Phill11 said:Yeah, hopefully we can limit Marions 3's a lot. His form is just awful.
Marion would be a great guy to take midrange shots and dunks. But him taking 3's kills us, I think. His percentage is good, but he takes too many 3's. Take the easy hoops. Go to the hole.
George O'Brien said:Marion's form is awful, but he was a pretty good three point shooter until this season. His three point shooting improved dramatically late in the season.
None the less, I'd much rather have Nash shooting threes than Marion (Nash has a career 41.6% average for three pointers) including 45.5% in 2001-02.