Alright just got back.
All I can say is WOW about Josh Brolin's performance. He captured Bush in every single way shape and form. His mannerisims his speech and even the sound of his voice was damn close. He made me feel that it was GW on the screen and not an actor. SUPERB job and absolutely oscar worthy in every way IMO. I cant say enough about his performance.
I dont know how accurate the movie as a whole is but it was very good and very entertaining. I found myself laughing quite a bit.
Brolin's perfromance alone makes it a worthy watch.
I just back from it also and I've got to say that while there was some interesting moments, I just thought the film (like most of Stone's work recently) just fell flat. I didn't think it painted Bush in a bad light and didn't portray him as a saint either... and that's why I felt it fell flat. Stone just isn't a filmaker who does "balance" or sentimentality well IMO.
I just recently watched Nixon. WOW - now I'm pretty sure A LOT of that was poetic license, but it was compelling, even spell-binding at times. Then, I start thinking about my favorite movies of his: JFK, Nixon, Natural Born Killers, Platoon, The Doors, Born On The 4th Of July, El Salvador, Wall Street - all these movies were not only epic in nature, but each of them existed within the "shadow" of the world we live in, or a world we don't really know and his narratives there (whether real of imagined) where he kind of digs deeper, even goes a bit crazy is where Stone's true voice lives and it's why I think those movies resonate so much, eliciting REALLY strong reactions one way or another. Hell, even U-Turn, while not epic in nature, was still in the world of the weird, the surreal and was more interesting than anything he's done in years.
this one (and World Trade Center) were just "meh" IMO. Movies that really SHOULD elicit strong reactions one way or another and just felt really, really flat. And don't even get me started on the train wreck that was Alexander or Any Given Sunday, which played like what might as well have been a parody on an "Oliver Stone movie"
Brolin was good, Cromwell was great and I thought (ah, what's her name!?) the woman who played Laura Bush were good, but everyone else kind of came off as a charicature.