Warner says he interested in rejoining Martz (Lions)

az jam

az jam

Mar 6, 2004
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Scottsdale, AZ
Remember that Martz is not calling the shots in Detroit. He is only an offensive coordinator. Matt Millen is still the president and the Head Coach is Marinelli. The Lions are also $9 million under the cap. I have a hard time to think they will outbid the Cards for Warner. Additionally, Graves has gone on record that Warner is their number one priority.
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Jan 12, 2005
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I would like to see Warner come back for a couple of years, but it wouldnt be the end of the world if he left; there seem to be too many holes on this team to solve before the time that Warner has left. If it turns out to be a bidding war, it may not be worth it to keep him.


Feb 11, 2006
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spanky1 said:
That Warner has even allowed this story to germinate is a huge turn off. The Cardinals should let out a story that they are seriously considering Kitna in light of the Bengals willingness to let him test the waters before offering him an alternative.

In many respects, I'd prefer Kitna anyway.

Oh please. What is Kitna going to bring here that any of our current QB's can't bring? Get real.

I realize this is my first post and I wish it could be more of an introduction then anything, but this thread was really pissing me off and I felt I should just jump right in.

You guys are praising Warner left and right as long as he says he wants to stay in Arizona, but the minute he opens up the door of possibly going somewhere else your ready to start signing every available QB.

Look Warner has already stated he wants to stay here, what else is he supposed to do? The ball is in the Cardinals court now, if they want to get a deal done it seems only obvious that Warner is willing to get one done with them. As it drags out though I don't blame Warner one bit for saying other options would work as well.

So if any of you were looking for a job and you interviewed for the one you really wanted, and they were taking a long time to give you an answer and other jobs were asking you how you'd feel to work for them you'd tell them your waiting for another job? lol

Wake up guys, Warner is going to do what any other FA is going to do. He's not as purely about the money as some others, but he's going to want to provide for himself and his family in the best possible way. Anyone that listens to what he says can't doubt for a minute that he wants to retire a Cardinal, but he isn't going to sit back and think that it's a guarantee he'll be back here. Your talking about a 2 time NFL MVP who all of a sudden was on the sideline one day in St. Louis watching someone else runaway with his job. He knows there are no guarantees in this business.

If you want to start thinking of other options just incase Warner goes elsewhere then that's fine, but don't start acting as if the guy has done nothing for this team. I only wish other Cardinals in the past have shown the desire to want to stay here.


Comin for you!
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
moklerman said:
Anyone know of any details on the Cardinals/Warner talks? All I've heard from Warner up to this point is that he's not only willing, but happy to stay in Arizona and his sentiments regarding a contract have been "let's get it done". He's said he's ready and excited to move forward with the Cardinlas and he doesn't want to move. Why hasn't a deal been done? If the Cardinals are dragging their feet or slowing the process in some way, I don't blame Warner for giving them a little push. I really doubt that he'd want to reunite with Martz but that's just a guess. Aside from Martz, I've gotta think that Warner has no interest whatsoever in starting over for the the third time in three years. A second year with the Cardinals would be a lot more productive than a first year with new personnel and schemes.

The CArds dragging their feet? Where do you come up with that? If he is demaning to much money then he can gladly go elsewhere. Why do so many assume its the Cards who are holding this up? In fact its quite the contrary. He has obviously been offered a contract. Im sure its more then he made last year which was 4 million. So whatever their offering it isnt good enough to this point for Warner to sign on the dotted line.
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The problem
Oct 7, 2003
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Scottsdale, AZ
Most of us want Warner back but I think the Cards are smart not to overpay for him. The guy wasn't that spectacular and he's definitely beginning to show his age as far as injuries go. If the Lions want to get into a bidding war then Kurt can go get killed in Detriot playing in Martz's system again while we sign Aaron Brooks, Joey Harrington or another marginal QB that will be on the field for 16 games.

john h

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Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
az jam said:
So the question is who will be the Cards starting qb if we lose Warner in free agency to the Lions??

How bad would that be? Loose the best FA QB out there and one who knows our system. Sounds doable to me. This is something that the Cards should move on and move on it soon. It would really be great to have the best receivers in the NFL and some dufas to throw to them. Add to that a still questionable running game that may or may not get fixed. I feel sick again.

john h

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Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
D. Culpepper ??? Martz benched Warner for Bulger.:confused:

Cullpepper will unlikely not open the season for anyone. Who know when he will be ready to go?

john h

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Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
en fuego said:
The whole premise of the Cardinals offeason thus far is that they have this great passing attack and a pretty good young defense--- and that if they get a running game they have a shot to be pretty good--

what do you have if the front office screws around and lets Warner get away?

A team without a legitimate (or even plausible) starting QB under contract that is now desparate and in the position of having to spend high draft picks to bring in a starter -- either in the draft or via trade--

There are no starting QB's in the draft. To trade for one of any value will likely cost us some high trade picks. Probably end up with a Kyle Orton.

john h

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Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
Arizona's Finest said:
I've been thinkin this for about a month now and this news, while likely speculation and posturing, makes me more sure how this off season will go at the QB position.

Green will soon trade for Culpepper and Warner will not be resigned, by choice of the Cardinals. Thats why i think this has dragged on like it is, b/c it is naive to think that Denny is not VERY interested to reunite with his old QB......

We do not even know if Cullpepper will be able to pass a physical much less be ready to start on opening day. I would not count on him at all.

john h

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Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
az jam said:
Could be just a ploy to put pressure on Cards to get more money. However we may have some competition for Warner. Should be interesting.

(Also hit the wrong key should be Martz not Marts. Can't edit the title.)

We knew before the season was over we would have to deal with the QB problem. Why did we not try and make a deal with Warner then? Once again we are late on pulling the trigger. We could probably have signed him for less.

Crazy Canuck

May 14, 2002
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john h said:
We knew before the season was over we would have to deal with the QB problem. Why did we not try and make a deal with Warner then? Once again we are late on pulling the trigger. We could probably have signed him for less.

Who says that there wasn't some attempt to reach an agreement?


Feb 11, 2006
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MaoTosiFanClub said:
Most of us want Warner back but I think the Cards are smart not to overpay for him. The guy wasn't that spectacular and he's definitely beginning to show his age as far as injuries go. If the Lions want to get into a bidding war then Kurt can go get killed in Detriot playing in Martz's system again while we sign Aaron Brooks, Joey Harrington or another marginal QB that will be on the field for 16 games.

And so we can remain an average 4-12 type team for the next several years, no thank you.

At least with Warner we have a chance to win now, a much better chance then with the guys you mentioned. Sure the guys you mentioned will play longer than Kurt and might stay healthier, but what good is it if they don't help us win?

We still have plenty of holes on this team, a big reason why we didn't do much once again in 05 but Warner is our best chance to win today, and in the process he can help groom our QB of tomorrow whoever that will be.

Again Warner wants to stay here, and if you guys think he's simply going to go to the highest bidder your wrong. If the Cardinals made him an offer today I'm almost willing to bet he'd sign it regardless of Detroit or any other team in the mix.


Comin for you!
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
FlagstaffDave said:
Again Warner wants to stay here, and if you guys think he's simply going to go to the highest bidder your wrong. If the Cardinals made him an offer today I'm almost willing to bet he'd sign it regardless of Detroit or any other team in the mix.

Warner has already been made an offer. They are in active negotiations so an offer has been made. It apparerently isnt where Warner and his agent feel it should be. If they want to much then screw him. This team with a fixed O-line and an improved running attack could win with a Jon Kitna or even an Aaron Brooks at the helm.


Jun 10, 2002
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Shane H said:
Warner has already been made an offer. They are in active negotiations so an offer has been made. It apparerently isnt where Warner and his agent feel it should be. If they want to much then screw him. This team with a fixed O-line and an improved running attack could win with a Jon Kitna or even an Aaron Brooks at the helm.

That's what people were saying in February 2003. And we all know how that worked out.

Diamondback Jay

Psalms 23:1
Feb 28, 2004
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First and foremost, welcome to the boards! You'll quickly come to find out this is a good group of knowledgable posters who can hold quality heated debates without getting in to log pissing contests. As is the case anywhere, you get your occassional tool, but they usually don't last long.

Anyhow.. On to your post.

FlagstaffDave said:
You guys are praising Warner left and right as long as he says he wants to stay in Arizona, but the minute he opens up the door of possibly going somewhere else your ready to start signing every available QB.

Look Warner has already stated he wants to stay here, what else is he supposed to do? The ball is in the Cardinals court now, if they want to get a deal done it seems only obvious that Warner is willing to get one done with them. As it drags out though I don't blame Warner one bit for saying other options would work as well.

So if any of you were looking for a job and you interviewed for the one you really wanted, and they were taking a long time to give you an answer and other jobs were asking you how you'd feel to work for them you'd tell them your waiting for another job? lol

Wake up guys, Warner is going to do what any other FA is going to do. He's not as purely about the money as some others, but he's going to want to provide for himself and his family in the best possible way. Anyone that listens to what he says can't doubt for a minute that he wants to retire a Cardinal, but he isn't going to sit back and think that it's a guarantee he'll be back here. Your talking about a 2 time NFL MVP who all of a sudden was on the sideline one day in St. Louis watching someone else runaway with his job. He knows there are no guarantees in this business.

Also, keep this in the back of your mind.. Warner is 35 years old. Chances are, this is going to be his last contract. He's going to want to put himself in the best financial situation that he possibly can, whether that be as a Cardinal (hopefully) or somewhere else. You would think that perhaps he wants to settle down again, and not join a third team in three years, however with the money, you can't be sure. I certainly don't blame Kurt for going for leverge in contract negotiations. As a businessman, you're always going to look for the best situation possible.

With that said, I DO think priority number 1 this post-season should be getting him re-signed. I say that, obviously within good reason. Should the bidding for him become excessive, then as much as the thought sucks, cut your losses and hope that either the bridge with McCown hasn't been burnt beyond repair, Matt Leinart falls to Arizona at 10 (fat chance), Atlanta would be willing to take a second for Schaub or Kitna would be willing to come to Arizona.

Deep down, I honestly do believe Kurt wants to remain in Arizona. I just get that hunch. I just feel he's making that comment as a way to say to Cardinal brass "Hey, there are other options out there for me. I want to stay here though, so lets get this done".


Jul 21, 2002
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spanky1 said:
That Warner has even allowed this story to germinate is a huge turn off. The Cardinals should let out a story that they are seriously considering Kitna in light of the Bengals willingness to let him test the waters before offering him an alternative.

In many respects, I'd prefer Kitna anyway.

I really get the impression that loyalty is the most important thing to you. Often you want to keep players because they have been with the team and show promise of improving. Then when KW is asked about Martz and the Lions he doesn't burn any bridges so now you want Kitna.

If you are KW what would your response be when asked if you would play for the Lions and Martz? I mean what answer would be acceptable in your world?


Supporting Member
Jul 11, 2002
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Plainfield, Il.
Warner owes it to himself to listen to all options. If comments are made they shouldn't be held against him. After all, if the Lions were to offer him 10m a year , he'd be a fool to turn them down.
That being said we cannot believe that Warner is our only option. Maybe the best thing that could happen is Warner to indeed sign with the Lions. I see Warner being a one, maybe 2 year option. But if Warner were to leave we may be looking at options that could be 3 to 10 year solutions. Kitna has more left in the tank and adds a dimension of mobility. Shaub could be a long term solution. Lets really think outside the box and cosider Brees or Rivers. Either one of these 2 would be a long term solution to a long term problem.
A second round pick for Shaub would be a decent investment.
Good orginizations make bold moves. Maybe thats what it's going to take.

Either way, we better get our offensive line fixed or it won't matter who is at QB.


Sep 24, 2002
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Fort Myers
slanidrac16 said:
Kitna has more left in the tank and adds a dimension of mobility.

Kitna's career 2.6 yards per carry does look a lot better than Warner's 2.5 yards :confused: Kitna isn't going to confuse anyone with Jake Plummer when it comes to mobility.

15 months seperate those 2 players in age. Kitna is OK but Warner is better.

Diamondback Jay

Psalms 23:1
Feb 28, 2004
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Warner was on a St. Louis area radio show earlier today. Reportedly, when asked if he'd be interested in joining Martz in Detroit, his comment was "My loyalty is with the Cardinals" and went on to say he's NOT interested in going to DET, or Miami, or anywhere else, he wants to finish his career in AZ.

Doesn't exactly sound like someone who's packing his bags as we speak.


Feb 11, 2006
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Snake said:
Warner was on a St. Louis area radio show earlier today. Reportedly, when asked if he'd be interested in joining Martz in Detroit, his comment was "My loyalty is with the Cardinals" and went on to say he's NOT interested in going to DET, or Miami, or anywhere else, he wants to finish his career in AZ.

Doesn't exactly sound like someone who's packing his bags as we speak.

Not to mention that Bernie is a horrible writer in St. Louis. Most Rams fans will tell you that. Although he's simply reporting something Warner told someone else so it's a bit more legit, but again I'll defend Warner in his comments if they were made. He knows there is no guarantee the Cards will re-sign him.

The guy wants to be here, no one can honestly deny that.


ASFN Addict
Mar 14, 2005
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BigRedRage said:
if warner goes, im fine with josh


Noooooooooooooooooo. I'd literally cry, cry in my brand new seats.

DG and McCown need a divorce. Green has little patience with QBs, and McCown needs a coach with a lot of patience. I've never seen a more inconsistent QB in my life than Josh.


I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
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NEZCardsfan said:

Noooooooooooooooooo. I'd literally cry, cry in my brand new seats.

DG and McCown need a divorce. Green has little patience with QBs, and McCown needs a coach with a lot of patience. I've never seen a more inconsistent QB in my life than Josh.

Josh learned a lot from Kurt and wasn't the same QB towards the end of this season.

Unless someone breaks the bank on him, bring him back sign another to compete with him and draft one.

No sense in letting Josh be your only option but he's not a horrible option either.


We do this together
Jan 21, 2004
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Snake said:
Warner was on a St. Louis area radio show earlier today. Reportedly, when asked if he'd be interested in joining Martz in Detroit, his comment was "My loyalty is with the Cardinals" and went on to say he's NOT interested in going to DET, or Miami, or anywhere else, he wants to finish his career in AZ.

Doesn't exactly sound like someone who's packing his bags as we speak.


So can we assume that this is more baseless crap out of the STL media? They seem like the media in MIN who just throw crap against a wall and hopes it sticks.

As much as we give crap to the media in AZ, atleast their pieces are factual. They don't throw around crazy rumors to sell papers.

In regards to Warner, we should resign him ASAP. But we shouldn't be stupid about it. Both sides need to be fair.

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