Irrelevance Sucks :(
It seems to me that Belkin has been made out as a villain of sorts, a penny-pincher who didn't want to spend the cash to bring the first high quality free agent thats wanted to come to ATL in years. His own organization chose to usurp him and buy out his share of the team due to his opposition of the JJ deal. I happen to believe Belkin was wise - JJ is never going to be a highly effective PG, so basically he is a point-swingman. The problem is the Hawks already had many promising swingmen (M. Williams, J. Smith, J, Childress, Diaw, A. Harrington.) That and paying near-max money for a guy with one breakout year, being the 4th option on the highest scoring team in the last 10 years. I guess the future will tell, but I suspect Atlanta fans will come to wish Belkin had his way.