I've been to MANY away games....and if you want to walk out in one piece...read and follow
I'm not joking...SF along with other stadiums have fans that will be happy to crack you upside your head and leave you on the asphalt good for dead if you act up. Sure there are many AWESOME great fans in SF, but you aren't and shouldn't be worried about them...it's the crazies....and they will be there.
I was in SF with ex-wife, dad and step mom...we had peanuts thrown at the back of our heads until we got security. Security said, "So, what do you want me to do?" I'm not joking. I said "Get me the supervisor." They took care of it...and after talking to the supervisor he REAMED OUT that security person and notified me if there was ANY issue it will be taken care of...and let us know we would be safe.
Rules for away games
1. Introduce yourself to the fans around you and say "Hi, My name is....and it's nice to be here. Hope everyone is cool and I'm glad to be here." Be nice in conversation...don't talk and say your team sucks and we are awesome, but I'm sure you know that.
2. Clap and cheer...DO NOT STAND UP AND CHEER ...even for a TD...stay seated.
3. NEVER EVER EVER EVER Cheer and look around at the misery of the other fans...if so your problems will now begin.
4. Introduce yourself to security in your section and let them know "If there is an issue with a crazy 9er fan I expect your help. I'm a family man and am here for entertainment."
5. Any fan starts talking S to you....SAY NOTHING...nothing good nothing bad...STAY quiet. Anything you say to them will NEVER go over well...and know there are more of "him" around that want in too.
6. I felt safe going to the restroom alone in SF, but in Philly I had a guy that was twice my size physically pick me up and start walking me out of the restroom. KNOW there is NO security in the restroom area and the other fans WILL NOT STEP in if someone starts to beat your A just because you have a Cards jersey on.
7. Know your alcohol limit and stick to it....getting drunk in SF wearing Cards gear...even security won't help you....yea you heard that right.
8. If anything goes down and security is there IMMEDIATLY DEMAND the supervisor...he or she is the BEST advocate there...he or she is trained and the only thing they want is SAFETY.
Be cool and keep your cool and you should have no problem. Follow the rules above and don't waiver. I love the NFL game, but there are way too many fans that think the game is about them and you are truly an enemy in their house....it's crazy thinking, but it's their crazy thinking that can get you put in a hospital.
Have fun and be safe
sick we live in a society where we have to do the above just to watch a game.
I'm thinking of driving up to SF for the weekend and go to the game....if I'm up there...maybe we can meet up for a pint.