Sorry.....I couldn't resist.
Originally posted by SameOleGee
We don't need his attitude here.
Originally posted by DRVNFAST
Kinda like the cream my pants for KJ stuff last week?
Originally posted by WizardOfAz
This thread was more of a "spoof" on the threads that invariably pop up after a team releases a player.
Originally posted by Jim Omohundro
I am surprised that people missed your spoof.
Originally posted by DRVNFAST
Kinda like the cream my pants for KJ stuff last week?
Originally posted by ajcardfan
Guess that explains why 16 GMs put in a claim for him. I didn't realize he was that exciting.
Anyhow, we'll never, ever find anyone released who can be better than Gilmore or Poole. No way. Not with how those two studs have torn up the league.
Originally posted by Assface
The thing about Keyshawn...he doesn't have great hands, he's not expecially fast, he doesn't make a lot of great plays after the catch...but teams pay way more attention to him than any other reciever on the field with him. Keenen and Jurevicious make tons of plays yet Key draws all of the doubleteams and safety help. He's done nothing but be named Keyshawn Johnson, which is apparently enough to have teams focus their coverage on you. Maybe we can have McAddley apply for a name change so he can finally be useful. He might as well accomplish something while he's here. We could bring him in as a multi million dollar decoy so teams don't double Quan. He's not as great as everyone (especially Keyshawn himself) thinks he is, he's better than all but one of the recievers we have right now. If we could sign him to a reasonable contract I would be thrilled to have him here, but I don't think ANYONE will sign him to a deal that accurately reflects what he is worth.
Originally posted by Pariah
I completely disagree (except with the "not fast" part). Key has great hands and is open a lot, dispite double coverage. The guy is dependable. Like I said before, he's not the superstar (anymore) he makes himself out to be, but the guy can ball.