I could be wrong though but they should wear throwbacks at some point.
You were correct your first post.NFL or no fun league rules state you must clear with the NFL in at least a year in advance what game and what throwback uniform you want to wear.That must be cleared through the NFL's front office.
Of course old fans of the team love it but most teams are doing it to provide more revenue to the team through sales of throwbacks to the new and upcoming fans of that team.
If a team has the idea to change its uniforms it has to be cleared 2 years in advance by the NFL.A team can't just wear what it wants when it wants.SHAME if you ask me.
Maybe there is some small loophole that provides a team like the CARDINALS to change up the home uni's from the all RED we saw last week against the seahawks from what we have worn previously in this seasons home games,being the RED tops and white bottoms.
I expect we don't have any options on the road except for the white on white.Maybe we have the option of red bottoms with white tops but that is purely a big giant guess.
I just know all throwback ideas have to be cleared at least a year in advance for the exact games and how many times you can wear the throwback jersey in one year.
In my opinion the Jets and titans are wearing out the old stuff and wearing it too much the last two years for my tastes.The Jets seem to really enjoy playing in the old N.Y. titans uniforms of black and gold like they did last year also with favre.
I wonder why the titans would want to wear the old oiler throwbacks myself?I just don't get it.Houston already has its own team now and probably could care less to buy one.Bud Adams did'nt make any friends moving to Nashville.
I noticed the rams are wearing the 99 Superbowl uniform throwbacks this year and from what I read on the herd board they had to inform the NFL last year of what games and how many times they were gonna wear them all season and get it approved.
So if you want coach Whiz to throw in your favorite throwbacks.Maybe you can get Darren Urban to put a bug in his ear for next year.
Our road whites have looked GREAT in FOUR STRAIGHT ROAD WINS and going for a team record FIVE STRAIGHT this Sunday at Louie.I'm starting to really enjoy them.Can't say the Jags,Seahawks,Giants,Bears did though.

I'd really love for us to win out with these uniforms this year and complete the full ROAD WARRIOR test of 8-0.We've got the rams,then our biggest test in Nashville and an up and coming titans team,We'll see the white uni's on MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL against the 9ers and to close out the streak we wear them in Detroit for the Lions.
Of course one game at a time and injury's hopefully stop occurring and folks get well as we go into the playoffs with a ROAD WARRIOR mentality.