Matt L
formerly known as mattyboy
Watching Notre Dame on NBC each week (My wife is an alum) I always got the feeling that he is an undisciplined guy who got by on talent. Everyone continues to talk about his practice habits being great (which I cant speak for) but how about what we see in games? I never got the impression that he was trying to make sharp cuts, and that his routes could use a ton of work. And how many times have we heard this practice habits schtick when a player has personal issues?? A ton.
Now as for his personal habits..... Undisciplined people drink and drive. Undisciplined people blow a .19 after hitting stop signs. Undisciplined people get into bar fights. Now he could just be a dumb kid who needs to grow up, but I see someone who has a lot of growing up to do. And I don't think Fitz can fix that.
All this leads me to believe he will have problems creating rapport with his QB. His timing will be poor, and his offensive significance will drop once defenses figure it out.
Finally..... They took away his captaincy. That, to me, is a big deal.
I think you make some good points but I also think you aren't giving him some of the credit that he deserves:
- By all accounts he responded to the Coach's challenge to straighten out.
- He made each of his starting quarterbacks look better than they are
- Routinely made plays on the ball in the air (somewhat Fitz-like)
- Took big time hits going after balls, sacrificing himself for the play
I think you make a good point about trading back and picking up line help like David DeCastro. If him or Melvin Ingram was our pick I really wouldn't complain.
I think David DeCastro was the safest pick with the highest floor. I think Ingram probably has the highest ceiling for the impact he potentially brings to a football team as a pass rusher but also the lowest floor, how many times have we seen guys touted as the best pass rusher in the draft and then they turn into busts? And finally, I really think Floyd's floor is a solid receiver on a winning football team but his ceiling is a game changing wide receiver. I am excited for his potential on this team.