This I copied from the ESPN page about releasing Griese...
"Meanwhile, coach Mike Shanahan appears to be willing to wait on halfback Terrell Davis, who is trying to come back from career-threatening knee problems. Davis is not expected to be released soon.
Davis is training in Phoenix, trying to see if he can come back from microfracture knee surgery. Davis isn't ready to practice at the Broncos June minicamp. He's hoping that Shanahan will give him a chance to come to training camp if the knee is right."
Two questions;
The gym that all these athletes train at has to have a helluva membership fee and a huge number of members, how mayn of you local guys are members?
The most important question..... is Phoenix that frigging nice?????? Is the water good that good, the woman, what is it ?
"Meanwhile, coach Mike Shanahan appears to be willing to wait on halfback Terrell Davis, who is trying to come back from career-threatening knee problems. Davis is not expected to be released soon.
Davis is training in Phoenix, trying to see if he can come back from microfracture knee surgery. Davis isn't ready to practice at the Broncos June minicamp. He's hoping that Shanahan will give him a chance to come to training camp if the knee is right."
Two questions;
The gym that all these athletes train at has to have a helluva membership fee and a huge number of members, how mayn of you local guys are members?
The most important question..... is Phoenix that frigging nice?????? Is the water good that good, the woman, what is it ?