Not enough TNA in most SF movies anyway. Whoever said geeks don't love nudity?
What's the point? Super geeks don't really need more TNA.
References to alien sex drives always creep me out. Androids, too. The feringi (sp?) were introduced in TNG, and we also learned their ears are their erogenous zones. Just ... couldn't think about sex for awhile after that.
The TNG episode where everyone gets the horny bug and Lt. Yar gets it on with Data was immediately put on tape and watched many times by my Trekker friends. Now that's geek love, y'all. Again, creeped me out that Data was ... "fully functional." Not really fair, either.
I always thought Deanna Troi was hot, but dang she was an annoying character. And what women would want to be an "empath" when she'd be constantly aware of every man on the ship staring at her push-ups.