FYI there's a guy posting as Elkgrove Ed on that appears to have started all this. He said he heard the stuff on "AM News radio in Arizona while driving into work on Monday."
I saw that. What an our guys even talk like this for starters, or that nobody in AZ would hear it or talk about it but some dimwit out there heard all of these comments.
What's even funnier is some sports hacks out there are apparantly reading his post on the radio, and other people now claim to have "heard the quotes too."
Yah, you heard them when Radio Hack read an Internet post and fooled you into thinking this actually was said.
I remember this summer when a Lakers board I post to created a story that Kobe was going to have an advice column in the LA Times and he'd also appear on Sopranos this season. It was funny at first, then HILARIOUS when it was mentioned no fewer than 10 times on ESPN and ESPN News, PTI, Around the Horn, etc.