Where are they getting these quotes from?!


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
FYI there's a guy posting as Elkgrove Ed on Chicagobears.com that appears to have started all this. He said he heard the stuff on "AM News radio in Arizona while driving into work on Monday."

I saw that. What an idiot...like our guys even talk like this for starters, or that nobody in AZ would hear it or talk about it but some dimwit out there heard all of these comments.

What's even funnier is some sports hacks out there are apparantly reading his post on the radio, and other people now claim to have "heard the quotes too."

Yah, you did...you heard them when Radio Hack read an Internet post and fooled you into thinking this actually was said.

I remember this summer when a Lakers board I post to created a story that Kobe was going to have an advice column in the LA Times and he'd also appear on Sopranos this season. It was funny at first, then HILARIOUS when it was mentioned no fewer than 10 times on ESPN and ESPN News, PTI, Around the Horn, etc.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
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May 14, 2002
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I saw that. What an idiot...like our guys even talk like this for starters, or that nobody in AZ would hear it or talk about it but some dimwit out there heard all of these comments.

What's even funnier is some sports hacks out there are apparantly reading his post on the radio, and other people now claim to have "heard the quotes too."

Yah, you did...you heard them when Radio Hack read an Internet post and fooled you into thinking this actually was said.

I remember this summer when a Lakers board I post to created a story that Kobe was going to have an advice column in the LA Times and he'd also appear on Sopranos this season. It was funny at first, then HILARIOUS when it was mentioned no fewer than 10 times on ESPN and ESPN News, PTI, Around the Horn, etc.

The internet is amazing. Years ago some internet scouting service invented a football player in HS and started hyping him up and putting his name out there. By the time recruiting season came around SEVERAL very prominent national services were raving about this 6'6" 320 pounder from Southern California. If I could remember the name I'd google it up and post the actual story. The whole thing was a hoax, the guys who did it eventually admitted it but one fairly well known national "talent scout service" insisted the player was real and they'd in fact interviewed him before listing him on their site. Turns out not only was the kid invented, the school was invented to, didn't exist. The service eventually pulled his name off their service and conceded that they were unable to confirm their sources on the kid.

Just a couple of days ago I read a brushback.com joke piece about OJ Mayo telling a "fat kid" in his PE class to stop dribbling the ball and pass it to the best highschool player in America. Made up quotes from Mayo, quoted the fat kid as saying it's just PE, missing a shot in PE is as meaningless to me as flunking a math test is to him. It was hiliarious, and I've already seen sections of that joke story posted on basketball cites as evidence of what a punk OJ Mayo is. There's a full paragraph at the top of the story saying this is not real, all the quotes are made up, this is a work of fiction etc.


Registered User
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Oct 3, 2003
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Here is another brushback gem;

Edgerrin James Finally Gets Ending To Apocalypse Now
GLENDALE, AZ--Years after first seeing Apocalypse Now, Cardinals running back Edgerrin James finally understands the end of the movie. The true meaning of it occurred to him during Sunday’s loss to the Atlanta Falcons.
“I think I finally get what Marlon Brando meant when he described ‘The Horror,’” James said. “It hit me on Sunday, right around the time of Kurt Warner’s second fumble. It hit me like a diamond bullet in the forehead. I thought ‘the genius of that.’ See, you must make a friend of the Horror. The Horror is your friend. If it is not, then it is an enemy to be feared. That’s how I’m going to approach the season from now on. I am Colonel Kurtz and the Arizona Cardinals are the Cambodian jungle. I can only hope they send somebody to terminate my command. Seriously, please kill me.”


DA's pass went that way
Oct 27, 2004
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Dennis Green - "It's all about water and who can carry it. Now some guys might be able to carry another guys water, but can they carry their own water? Matt Leinart can carry his own water. Leonard Davis spilled his all over the field. The whole offensive line seems like they're carrying the opponents defensive line's water. Guys have to start carrying their own water and stop borrowing someone else's. Did I mention anything about guys having to carry their own water?"

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
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May 14, 2002
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They do it because they are also nervous Cubs Fans! :lol:

if you read the whole thread it's pretty silly. This guy Elk Grove Ed has now claimed he heart is on 860(ESPN radio) KTAR 620, and saw video clips of it on the News at Noon. He has said on 3 separate days now that he heard Cards players on the radio trash talking the Bears.

He heard Leinart do it on Tuesday. Which is interesting because I just read on a USC board that Tuesday was the teams day off, Matt was in Southern California because he and several other ex USC players are going to be honored during the USC game on Saturday.

But sure I believe Matt took the time to call in to multiple radio stations to trash talk the Bears, why would I possibly doubt a claim like that?



Registered User
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Oct 3, 2003
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Ha. What a bunch of losers. How sweet would it be to knock them off on Monday?

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
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May 14, 2002
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This is my new obsession and this story has "legs".

Turns out an ESPN radio show in Chicago is going to have Dansby on air tomorrow and they promise to ask him about these alleged quotes because they too are getting flooded by Bears fans about this. I emailed them asking if they were indeed going to have Karlos on and here's the reply I got.

Russell --

We will have Carlos on tomorrow, and we will ask him about the "quotes." The problem is, as you say, we can't substantiate those quotes. So, we haven't been talking about it at all on the air.

Here's the link to their site, the Mac, Jurko and Harry show.


Looks like you can listen online so I'll try to do so tomorrow and see if I can hear what Dansby has to say.

Edit: Dansby will be on 4:20 Chicago time according to whoever answers teh email for that show.
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