I'm sorry-------but Whiz talking like this is the same kind of thing he did to Leinart, who had Warner backing him up. Look at all the good it did for Leinart. Whiz's treatment of Leinart eventually took a fiery young competitor who really moved this offense as a rookie, and made him totally irrellavent by the time he should have taken over for an aging Warner.
Seems to be a pattern here guys. According to Whiz, he praised Leinart every time he was sent to the bench to learn. Yet each time it came time for him to start, he was suddenly behind someone, or had someone platooning with him. That's a real great way to build a young man's confidence.
Look at Watson. First, he was too weak. He worked on getting strong, but was then too fat. He lost weight, then had a freak accident and tore up his knee. Now he is strong, smart about the position, and much lighter and toned up. Now he is being inactive for Robinson and Williams. Whiz says that this week all three will be active, WANNA BET WHICH ONE IS LAST TO GET INTO THE GAME. Things have gotten so depressing for Watson that he looks forward to Wednesday and Thursday as 'his game day' at practice. That can't be doing a lot for his confidence when he is inactive for a guy who plays the nose like he is on roller skate.
I just don't know how much of this love that Max Hall can stand before he too is confused, and plays like he is in a daze.