I know, my bad.
I know, my bad.
He does have the FBI at his disposal.
Apparently President Obama is better at picking football teams than he is at picking cabinet members....
So much for reaching across the aisle.
the point is this: should any President of the US pick sides in a game between Americans?
its like a parent rooting for one child against another
I totally disagree. Obama is just another guy we hired to work for us for 4 years. He should be able to be a fan of whatever team he wants just like all our other employees.
Of course If my employees don't pull for the Cards they get a pink slip as a reward.
So what, he obviously changed his mind. Either way, he is entitled to his opinion.
Our economy is falling apart and our President is calling football coaches? Sigh. That's cool I guess.
too late
again on principle: a President should never take sides in a sporting event between Americans.
let mayors and governors participate in the silly regional stuff -- the President needs to be above that.
Obama's message pre SB to the Cardinal players: "I hope you lose".
Not appropriate for any President, much less one who ran on the message of a President for everyone.
the point is this: should any President of the US pick sides in a game between Americans?
its like a parent rooting for one child against another
Obama is a lifelong Steeler fan.
And I have seen him say he started liking the Steelers back in the 70's. But I understand people not liking him taking sides.
No problem.
OMG!! He jumped on the bandwagon when he was 14??? Good lord, that's right in prime time for any kid to pick a team.Isn't that when 90% of Steeler fans jumped on the bandwagon? I don't remember to many Steeler fans before that. So he's just like every other bandwagoner. He jumped on board when they were winning 4 Super Bowls in the 70's. I'm shocked!
Personally I prefer fans that have picked a team for reasons other than they are winning the most. A good fan needs a little suffering along the way and Cardinal fans have had our share of suffering.
Obama can cheer for whoever he wants. Personally, I liked how he said the BCS sucks on Monday Night football. While I wish he had said he wanted the Cardinals to win, I prefer him making an actual choice rather than giving us all another load of mealy-mouthed political goobleydegook as an answer to a straightforward question.
"It's a great Cinderella story, but other than the Bears, the Steelers are probably the team that's closest to my heart."
Yeah, sounds like a real diehard.