I guess Im an a-hole...but I dont see anything...and I mean ANYTHING wrong with what she said. For a long time there were no female sideline reporters, or color commentators (and the reason is they are actually horrible at it...but thats not my point)...and like it or not she did fight an uphill battle to get where she is. She didn't even talk about this chick...she talked about how ESPN would have put basically any black woman in that spot because they think it makes them look "woke"...which I think is 100% true.
Now...being a woman is not "diverse" enough for woke ESPN and Lebron....so they think they HAVE TO have a black women...and since both are actually horrible at what they are supposed to do...that means Nichols is out. ESPN wants to make sure everyone knows they are not racist and not sexist...or anything else one random person might accuse them of. They are simply in the "not gonna get me on that one" crowd. But in reality, they know no one wants to see 2 crappy women on the same broadcast...and Nichols is white...so she is not allowed to complain about any form of racism or prejudice, even as a woman. In case you haven't heard...the general rule now is that everyone is a victim...unless you're white.
How about they fire both of them and give Natalie Chou a shot?? She's an Asian female basketball player and wants to get into broadcasting? Why...would that not sit well with the ESPN audience? Or are the only Asians they want to see on TV, the ones getting assaulted by thugs in the street?
Bottom line is this...there is NOWHERE more racist, sexist, and prejudice than the entertainment industry. It is the only industry left in America where they still go...."this role can only go to a black/mexican/white/asian person...even though they are "acting". It's the only industry where you can still be told "You are too fat", or "you don't have muscles", or "you are too old", or "you are not attractive enough"......AND WE HAVE KNOWN IT FOR 100 YEARS.... AND WE WANT IT THAT WAY!! Tell both these self entitled broads that are literally talking heads, and the second someone younger/prettier than them...or someone that Disney thinks could put more eyeballs on a screen...they are out of a job too. If you gave an anonymous poll to everyone watching the finals, you would find that we could do without about 90% of the "on air personalities". Just give us a decent 2 person team with little bias to call the game and let's get on with it.