Why would you ask if I believe a leader is someone who “only” leads by example, when I clearly said leadership comes in a variety of forms?
As for your question, “can a leader who leads by example, lead a company…,” you’re setting up a scenario I did not intend to imply.
When I mentioned how Larry leads by example, I didn’t mean to imply Larry never spoke. In fact, I later referenced how many teammates and players from other teams credit Larry for having a huge impact on their lives.
I personally believe you can’t be a leader of anything, if you aren’t a good to great communicator.
But make no mistake…great leaders are defined far more by their actions, than by their words. Ideally, their actions and words illustrate symmetry and consistency - which leads to trustworthiness. So if a “leader” isn’t trustworthy… if they fail to act when the situation requires appropriate action, or, when their words demonstrate disconnection from their actions, or worse, their words indicate someone who is unstable and disconnected from reality - that person loses the trust of those whom he/she is leading…
The performance of an individual is a baseline trait of a leader. It does not make one a leader. My point is, one cannot be a leader if their only trait is performance. That’s why the whole “leads by example” is bs. If the only “leadership” (and I put that in quotes purposefully) trait they possess is their performance then they aren’t a leader, they are a performer. Leadership encapsulates so much more than performance.
Leadership is being accountable and holding accountable
Leadership is setting goals, both short term and long term and those attainable and those stretch.
Leadership is providing vision and direction at both a macro level and micro level.
Leadership is knowing your people, and how to motivate them and better yet knowing how to avoid turning them off.
Leadership is creating efficiencies for your team and removing hurdles from their success.
Leadership is two way communication and providing recognition but also providing redirection and getting rid of problems when they aren’t remediable.
Leadership is protected ting your brand, your customer, your employee/team when appropriate.
Leadership is taking the reins when necessary but allowing, encouraging, and facilitating the growth of leadership beneath you.
Yes, as a leader you have to perform, otherwise none of the above can occur because those looking to follow won’t do so if they don’t believe you are capable. But again, make no mistake, performance is not, by itself, leadership. And hence the fallacy of “leads by examples is merely a catchy phrase someone made up to give a high performer some level of recognition.