I hate to Play woulda shoulda coulda, but since nobody has brought it up, I'll bring it up. While Marion, JJ, and the # 7 was too much, and Marion, Casey and the #7 was too little, I'm positive Marion, Casey, and the #7 & #14 would have gotten McGrady in a Suns uniform. Unfortunately, #14 was given away while Brian was getting his ************* from Utah. And the sad irony is that the increase in revenue generated by having a T-Mac on the squad may have made up for the losses incurred by not getting under the luxury tax.
Plus, they'd still be 16 million under the cap, have the other future 1st, and have a core of Amare, JJ and T-Mac. All gone because of a desperation luxury tax move.
It's not the end of the world, but it sure is a sad realization.
Plus, they'd still be 16 million under the cap, have the other future 1st, and have a core of Amare, JJ and T-Mac. All gone because of a desperation luxury tax move.
It's not the end of the world, but it sure is a sad realization.