You make the call!!!


I Heart the Cardinals!!
Aug 2, 2006
Reaction score
Grand Canyon, AZ
I really dont care who reads or responds to this. This is more like a journal entry for me, blowing off some steam. sorry

Heres how I see it....DG is the HEAD coach. So regardless of who's calling the plays or choosing D schemes, ultimately it falls on DG's shoulders.

TD #1 - Awesome

TD #2 - Awesome

Missed FG #1 - had a 2nd and 18 and since we're averaging 2 yds a carry, it makes perfect sense to run the ball here. F'in Brilliant!! Now its 3rd and 15 forcing ML to try to make something happen. Incomplete. Rackers misses from 52yds.

Made FG #1 - coming off a big sack and fumble recovery.....weeeee do what? 3 guesses the first 2 dont count.....we run...for 3 yds then 0 yds...ML bails us out for the first down....then weeeeee do what?....yep, exactly, for 4 yds (double the avg) and then 1 yd. 10yd penalty, big suprise. ML incomplete pass on a ....what...a 3rd and 15...looks familiar. Rackers finally makes one from 41. thanks

Made FG #2
- (my favorite) coming off a big sack and fumble recovery (sound familiar)....we do what works, we pass, to ol' faithful, Q!! Beautiful for 19 yds. Really in a position to strike now on the Bears 13. Since the pass is working.....WAIT!!! IM DG, F that lets run again!! FOR 0yds!! Dang it, it didnt work....hmmmm....OHHHH haHA!...I got it, we'll run again! 0 yds later we're in a 3rd down and long. AGAIN! ML tries to find a way, but comes up short. Enters Rackers for another. thanks.....

Intermission....Cardinals 20 The Mighty Bears 0

Made FG #3 - Long drive...penalties here and there....running game is as follows Edge has 3 carries for 5 yds. JJ has 2 carries for 11. Hmmmm....makes you wonder. ML struggles a bit but does have to big plays for 18 and 10yds to Q and JJ respectively. Enter Rackers to make another.....

After that, its alot of in and outs for our Cards with a spectacular running display being put on by Edge and our Blow line. Edges longest run: 12 yds
Edge also cumulatively lost 18 yds on multiple carries. I havent even counted how many attempts he had where there was "No Gain" Pathetic!

So with 5:53 left in the game and "the great DG" still in his ******** "damage control" mode. We call this crafty play to run Edge. -1 yds. Logically what should DG call here, haha, obviously lets give Edge the ball again!! FUMBLE! TD BEARS! Pathetic!

Heres where I get real mad (as if I wasnt mad before):

2 Minutes and 53 Seconds left!!
now Im just gonna copy and paste these next couple plays to illustrate something...its all in bold too...

1st-10, ARI38 2:53 M. Leinart passed to A. Boldin to the right for 5 yard gain 2nd-5, ARI43 2:24 M. Leinart passed to E. James down the middle for 7y gain 1st-10, 50 2:00 M. Leinart incomplete pass to the left 2nd-10, 50 1:57 M. Leinart passed to T. Walters to the left for 6 yard gain 3rd-4, CHI44 1:52 M. Leinart passed to Ayanbadejo to the right for 13y gain 1st-10, CHI31 1:44 M. Leinart passed to A. Boldin to the left for 7 yard gain
notice the pattern in this set of plays.....just a beautiful thing....btw Im loving the fact that ML slid to #10 in the draft!!!!

So now we're 1st and 10 on Bears 13....hmmmm what should DG do??.....

2nd-3, CHI24 1:04 E. James rushed to the left for 2 yard gain 3rd-1, CHI22 0:58 E. James rushed up the middle for 1 yard loss
Genius plan DG!! Lets bring in our "field goal specialist" to finish this one off! cause hes been so reliable, lets put the game in his hands.

I dont have to tell you all what happened there....Disgusting!!:barf:

So, in closing Good coaches dont call plays that avg 1.5yds per attempt. Good coaches take something that works and use it til it doesnt.

Our Coach.....DG.......not good!

The End

PS Edge had 5 "no gain" carries on the night = wasted downs


The Cardinal Smiles
Dec 6, 2002
Reaction score
right on the money

god i couldnt believe that we actually tried to run on 2nd and 3rd down...

Matt Leinart is like Steve Nash. I want the ball in his hands AT ALL TIMES.

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