Looks like Zarko made the cut to 15. Will they be cutting it to 12 I wonder?
NJYAJ09 said:yeah so we can trade him...
chris do you have insomnia like me? I cant go to sleep!
NJYAJ09 said:oh... good thing to pass the time is listen to AM 1060, I call in to the Kevin Wheeler show about 2-3 times a week his show goes from like 11 to 4 am here in phoenix. Wheeler is only on turing weekdays, so right now chris russell is on, hes ok, i called in earlier, but I prefer Wheeler. Since I have insomnia, this gives me something to do. I like when wheeler gives out games too, he gave out ESPN NFL Football and NCAA Football out last night.
Um, happy 200th post for me.
NJYAJ09 said:Zarko's the 12th man, he'll probably get little if no playing time over there.
how do you know that? do you know what positions the other people are playing and what experience they've had?NJYAJ09 said:Zarko's the 12th man, he'll probably get little if no playing time over there.
Milos Vujanic, Vule Avdalovic, Goran Jeretin, Igor Rakocevic, Aleksandar Pavlovic, Dejan Bodiroga, Vladimir Radmanovic, Milan Gurovic, Zarko Cabarkapa, Vlado Scepanovic, Predrag Drobnjak, Dejan Tomasevic, Petar Popovic, Nenad Krstic, Djuro Ostojic.
panfolk said:cool, I just was saying that unless we know who all the players were and all the details we can't just assume that Zarko is going to be a bench warmer. He could be in the rotation. My guess is behind Radmanovic. At least he'll be practicing steady and working on his shooting and whatnot. He already added 10 or 15 pounds before leaving so if he regains his shooting composure before he gets back then we're setWhat else in terms of experience do you all think we can expect Z to gain from his Euro ball. Will playing Euro rules again be detrimental and have him backsliding a bit on defense or would that be worst case scenario? I'm excited for him more than Amare and Marion for some reason. I guess because he's a nobody going to the Olympics for his country (a country that is insane for his sport). Cool stuff. practicing against radman will be good for him.
Does anyone know what the status of Zarko's outside shot was pre-accident? I only got to see 10 games last year and the only Zarko demonstration I ever saw was him throwing up 5 straight bricks from the three point line one game before getting pulled in like a 5 minute span (I was baffled as to how a rookie would get it into their head to do such a thing) otherwise I didn't get to see him play much. The box scores didn't show much. I remember the first televised Sacramento game when Zarko embarassed himself by getting chummy with Peja and not playing D on him after the game Vlade and Peja glowed about Z but said he was a "good" shooter but needed to be better. I did see his slasher moves though. He will be getting to the basket with gusto next season.