Originally posted by green machine
I still don't like the comments on Bidwill not caring if we win or lose. I think he wants to win more then anyone, but he is not sure how. Every time he gives someone too much power it backfires on him. Last year when we were doing well there were shots of McGinnis with his arms around Bidwill with Bidwill having a huge smile on his face. You can say he's a fool if you want, but I do think he cares about winning.
Sure Bidwill wants to win. The problem is he does not know how to delegate responsibility and select people who know their job and give them the authority to do it. Any business will fail the way he has run the Cardinals. If he did not have revenue sharing he would have gone belly up years ago. for many years the Cardinals have been considered one of the worst run professional sports franchise in pro sports. 50 plus years of bad history under one owner is not just a run of bad luck. it takes more than wanting to win to be a winner. it takes smarts. we are stuck with him but let us put the blame directly where it belongs and not on bad luck or any of the long line of coaches or GM's who have marched through here.