It's not fear of spending It's dumb spending. It's hard to spend when you're cleaning up stupid messes all the time from bad drafts, bad contracts, over paying for some flavor of the month or old, overrated player.
And by “Billion” you mean Charizard!I keep my Billion between my mattress
So many stars. A veritable galaxy of talent in Monti’s two drafts.hey... Monti's plan is to draft stars... even though he hasn't shown the ability to do so yet, despite two top 6 picks and a bounty of draft picks throughout both drafts during his first two years.
Sad. Low energy.sitting on all that cap space, coming off an 8-9 record, going into his third season, monti’s plan to “make the leap” is to sign one expensive good (not earth shattering) free agent, resign a bunch of low level grunts, sign a few journeymen/special teamers, and draft “stars” with his fewest and lowest draft picks to date. Bold strategy, cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for him.