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  1. B

    We (the Suns) will rock you....

    Swing away Merril! LOL!
  2. B

    im still not even worried

    Are you even watching this series????
  3. B

    Flopping Myth Exposed

    But EVERY team in the League flops!! NOT just the Spurs! My pathetic team flops too! To say that this team flops more than your own team does is meaningless and has no impact on winning or losing a playoff series. If your team is truely better than the opposing team, than flopping is not...
  4. B

    Slightly OT: San Antonio Spurs: Where Cheating Happens

    POP is one ugly SOB! LOL
  5. B

    Slightly OT: San Antonio Spurs: Where Cheating Happens

    Lets be fair and post this one too.
  6. B

    Calm Down: A Series Doesn't Begin Until The Home Team Losses!

    Does Bong really believe that "Spurs got help" garbage?
  7. B

    Do you think the reffing was fair in games 1 & 2 (overall)

    I'm not a Suns or a Spurs fan but I find it remarkable that many people in here will NEVER accept the fact the the officiating is NOT the reason why the Suns lost. I have read probably 6-7 different threads in here and in each one, there is ALWAYS someone blaming the refs for not calling an...