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  1. T

    Nash's play makes him valuable as in MVP

    The question when handing Nash out an MVP award this year will be... does Nash make his team or does his team make him look better? When you have as many athletic freaks and shooters (two all-stars) to dish out dimes to you have a pretty good team to run your offense with. Should Nash be...
  2. T

    Is it safe to say players duck the Suns?

    I am here because you are cluttering up our boards, but that doesn't mean I can't have an input on the Suns like your fine comrades have on the Mavericks boards (and believe me, i'm trying to be a lot more civil and expected a lot of hostility). Unlike them however i'm not coming to your board...
  3. T

    Is it safe to say players duck the Suns?

    It's quite clear your homerism clouds your perspective so I will be as simple as possible. A reoccurring injury, an example would be Tmacs back problems... smart to sit out against a team like the Suns if it's acting up AGAIN? Yeah. A guy who is a game time decision? Probably best not to...
  4. T

    Is it safe to say players duck the Suns?

    If I wanted to discuss the Mavericks I would be on a Mavericks board. Is that not logical to anyone else? So you find my posts negative, alright whatever. I enjoy your bashing of the Mavericks and look forward to how your 'theories' of why our team sucks plays out at the end of the season. I...
  5. T

    Is it safe to say players duck the Suns?

    Because your cluttering our boards. It's only fair, but i'm not trying to start anything other than a debate so hopefully theres no need to be hostile in your comments. As for the last few comments... they don't even apply to what we are talking about. I love how a debate about your team can...
  6. T

    Is it safe to say players duck the Suns?

    I don't think the players find the pace intimidating unless they have a reoccurring problem with injury. It's definitely not a reason to sit games out though, you think your the only team trying to win? To say they will actually sit out games because of the pace is silly, not to mention everyone...
  7. T

    Is it safe to say players duck the Suns?

    Well from an outside perspective... your just really lucky. Why would stars be 'ducking' your team? The Suns aren't that intimidating, as mentioned it probably has a lot to do with the pace they play. I think it also makes me question the validity of your record. Let's be honest, your schedule...
  8. T

    5 things you LOVE about the Dallas Mavericks

    Hello, Mavericks fan here who loves watching the Suns play (but loves hating them too, hey it's a rivalry). Since we have so many Suns 'trolls' on our board I figure it should be okay if I make myself at home on your boards and read your perspectives on the leagues two best teams as well. 5...

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