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  1. S

    More Reasons to hate San Antonio

    Thanks. I'm not tryin' to stir the pot. It's not like this is Lakersground or a Mavs forum.
  2. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    Fair assessment.
  3. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    Easy easy... Too much stock in Barbosa. He has shown much improvement this season but it is 82 games. The Spurs have been known to start very slowly especially when addin' players. I highly doubt that Barbosa will stop Parker. yet, his O is his best D in this case. He is certainly a handful...
  4. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    Actually I'm not trash talkin'. Not here at least. I've been very tame since I've come here. I've simply been defendin' myself. Here's what I see. You'll be surprised: I see an INCOMPLETE Suns team. I've always been a fan of Nash's game. I've luved his game even before he came to PHX...
  5. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    I'm sure you weren't. Question: I hear George Karl was cryin' about the "flopping" of New Jersey last night. Does he have anyone else that he'd like to cry about or is he gonna' take issue with everyone in the league? Needless to say, I'm not surprised you relish a moment to talk about a player...
  6. S

    More Reasons to hate San Antonio

    Ignore. Thanks for makin' my life easier. It's not like you two said anything of substance anyway. This board actually has others with sumthin' knowledgeable to say.
  7. S

    More Reasons to hate San Antonio

    Actually I think Horry has the ability to guard Dirk as well as anyone else on the roster. Overall, the SPurs will defend Dirk by committee and THROUGH TEAM DEFENSE instead of puttin' one guy on him. As for the runnin' of the Spurs, I believe that as long as they have Manu and TP, they can...
  8. S

    More Reasons to hate San Antonio

    Once again, great analysis. But you forgot one thing. The Spurs have ALWAYS had problems with Dirk. They have NEVER had a long, athletic 3 like Marion to put on him. Havin' Devin Brown would in no way change that as he is 6-5. He would guard Dirk in spots himself but the SPurs usually got by on...
  9. S

    More Reasons to hate San Antonio

    True AND false. Popovich style is derived from Larry Brown's style- defensive intensity and priority along with sharin' the basketball. However, his style has evolved over time. Though he still has an insistence on defense, he is nowhere near the rigidity of Larry Brown's philosophy. Larry also...
  10. S

    More Reasons to hate San Antonio

    Good analysis but it's not that simple. Only thing I agree with is the fact that the Spurs offense is predicated on Duncan. But that's not really hard to figure out. The loss of Devin Brown is NOT THAT SIGNIFICANT. We were without Devin the ENTIRE PLAYOFFS last year. That ended with a ring ceremony.
  11. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    Of course you think that. I digress. Congrats you actually ended up addin' proof to a large portion of my argument.
  12. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    Classic. As if the McNuggets are without fault. Are you mad becasue Manu was instrumental in bumpin' your team in the frist round? Let's talk about your underachievin' PF Kenyon Martin who leads a cast of hackmen. Don't worry. When Manu plays Denver, he never has to exaggerate a thing.
  13. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    At least the Suns fan had a basis for a case. Your "two" people is inaccurate. Dirk was not hurt due to ANYONE'S "flopping". Stop makin' yourself look crazy. Did you even see that play? Ridiculous!
  14. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    Good choice.
  15. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    Reggie Miller was a master of it.
  16. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    Not only did I NOT deny he overexaggerates contact but I directly linked his tactics to Dirk. If you do not believe that Dirk does it then YOU are misguided. Dirk will OFTENTIMES slide across the floor on contact, flail, throw himself in the direction of the contact, etc. Whether or not this is...
  17. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    Derek Fisher at guard. Now that is a TRUE flopper.
  18. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    Many of them acknowledged that they luv his game but hate the technique he uses. It's been established. I understand yours is strictly on bias alone since judgin' by your posts I haven't seen too much knowledge about the actual game of basketball. However, i can tell you that Dirk's game is not...
  19. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

  20. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    Of course, you would say that. Would the player you're referrin' to be the one you have a huge poster of in your sig? Hmmm... I already addressed that issue. If you would go back through other George Karl comments (of course, Mav fans never do that) you will find that George Karl basically...
  21. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    Very true. Understood.
  22. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    Since you've watched Spur ball for a while, you'll be able to attest to this. The technique that Manu uses was ACQUIRED. He didn't start doin' it till early last season. (Edit-Oops! Probably moreso early 2003-2004 season.) Manu used that technique to draw fouls (especially with the new rule on...
  23. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    Do as you wish.
  24. S

    More Reasons to hate San Antonio

    :shrug: I've been here since last season. I'm not a troll. i haven't even insulted any of the Suns players. I haven't started trouble nor started any threads. i've just posted. I appreciate the hate of Manu. All good players are hated by the opposition so it's actually a credit. And when have I...
  25. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    Yeah...that'll work. Let's slap him. Once again, it's been done. The slapper gets ejected and T'd. The slappee stays in the game and sinks two freebies. Who gets the short end of the stick, bud? And Manu didn't "knee" Dirk. Either you're a Mav fan or never even saw the game. The SIDE of...

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