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  1. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    So what you're sayin' is that Bell NEVER touched Manu. if you say that, I'll end my convo with you now.
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    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    First off, hopefully, you are amused by my style of writin'. I like it. I'm happy to hear you do also. Unfortunately for you, I'm not a SPur apologist. It's easy to say such since I'm not a Suns fan. I can tell you much about different Spurs' games that is illegal/disturbin'. I've played...
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    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    Meet somewhere between Spur fan opinion and Sun fan opinion and you have a more fair assessment of the situation. This is not the first time an accident like this has occurred in basketball. you guys are treatin' this like an unprecedented occurrence. It's not. There have been many cases where a...
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    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    He doesn't play like a girl but he acts like one? On the court? That statement doesn't make sense to me but I'll leave it be. I watched every second of the WCFs and the whole Spurs season. Manu has habit of overemphasizin' contact but my definition of flop is old school. Floppin' was sumthin'...
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    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    Who usually guards Manu? He's usually out-sized. And if you believe he's 205...who am I to argue with you? I think he might actually be a lil' less than that. Hwever, for 6-6, that is not big at all. Raja Bell is a good size.
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    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    I'm glad you're a reg. ball watcher. And yes I watched the WCFs. I wouldn't expect a die-hard Suns fan to agree with me. I respect that. What EXACTLY did the commentators say? Commentators always have opinions. Just like they say that Marion choked last season. I don't agree with that either...
  7. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    The guy's been smacked and slammed many times and he just gets back up. Ask Fortson.
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    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    With all due respect, I disagree. I will assume that you're a reg. b-ball watcher like myself. I can understand your hatred of Manu since you are a Suns fan. However, if you've watched basketball over the course of history, you realize that Manu is a smart player. His overemphasizin' contact...
  9. S

    Barbosa Blames "Flop Artist" Ginobli

    Antics? Overexaggeration of fouls is sumthin' many players do. It's been there since the days of Magic Johnson. Every basketball player KNOWS when he steps on the floor that there is a possibility for injury. It's unfortunate but also a stretch to try and pin an injury like this on the "antics"...

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