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  1. R

    The Vikings are gonna kick your......

    Actually linebacker is the strength of this defense behind the D line. Leber is very solid. Greenway is REALLY coming on. He is going to be a stud. Harris in the middle is no EJ Henderson but I wouldn't consider him a weakness either. They are a strong unit. No doubt.
  2. R

    The Vikings are gonna kick your......

    Detroit almost always plays the Vikings tough. Last week they were big time motivated (huh huh sp? huh?) :) to not go down as the only team in history to go 0 - 16. They were backed in a corner and the Vikes came out flat like they always do when playing sucky teams. Gus played crappy and AD...
  3. R

    The Vikings are gonna kick your......

    Yeah that was my bad. I got called into a meeting and didn't have time to edit when I noticed my error. I will come back no matter how the game turns out. You guys seem like some pretty good eggs. Just don't be all :mad: when AD tears you up on Sunday. :D SKOL VIKES
  4. R

    The Vikings are gonna kick your......

    BWAAA HAAA HAAA HAAA Thats cute. Thanks for that.
  5. R

    The Vikings are gonna kick your......

    Which = M.O.T.O.V.A.T.I.O.N
  6. R

    The Vikings are gonna kick your......

    Two words: RUN GAME
  7. R

    The Vikings are gonna kick your......

    Thank You! It's all good! SKOL VIKES
  8. R

    The Vikings are gonna kick your......

    To be honest I haven't seen much of the cards as of late. I was actually surprised the other day when I found out they clinched the division. I was like "they did??" Thats weird. Better start checking up on them a little bit" ;)
  9. R

    The Vikings are gonna kick your......

    Yeah I remember the announcer saying that the Viking fans were the ONLY fans at that game. Hey someone had to buy the stale beer.
  10. R

    Is it too early to give Whiz an extension?

    give Whiz an extension??? Whew.... When I read that I couldn't help but think of Ontario "Whizzinator" Smith and wonder how in the He!! he would fit that thing in his suitcase then. I know...old news but its still an embarrassing moment in my Vikings history.
  11. R

    The Vikings are gonna kick your......

    If I'm not mistaken, that force out rule has been eliminated this year so you won't have that to fall back on. Man that sucked! :bang:
  12. R

    The Vikings are gonna kick your......

    Great post! If Jackson starts this weekend due to Gus injury the game could get out of hand very quickly. But by the same token, if he finally has it figured out like he showed in the second half last week, your D could have their work cut out for them.
  13. R

    The Vikings are gonna kick your......

    Yeah RUN! Please run!
  14. R

    The Vikings are gonna kick your......

    You just said it all. You don't run the ball which means our pass rush will have that many more opportunities to get at Warner. Unless you run a 3 step drop EVERY play I see the bad match up on your end. IMO. AP is due! Woo hoo AP is due! Your receivers do scare the hell outa me though... :(
  15. R

    The Vikings are gonna kick your......

    Now that I have your attention! :D I'm not trolling. Just wanted to hear some Card's fans thoughts on the game this week. The matchups etc. I think it will be a good close game! I am jealous of your receivers. They have incredible talent and could be a big problem for the Vikes if they...