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  1. C

    Ready for George Karl?

    This was posted by a Bucks fan on another board....kinda interesting "Bucks fan here. I liked George Karl when he was in Milwaukee. It was time for a change and I'm glad changes were made within our organization, but GK was instrumental in the building of the Bucks and putting us back on the...
  2. C

    Joe Johnson's defense

    Well the guy tried to present an argument using facts and stats...hardly seems bannable material. But then again...I guess they don't need a reason.
  3. C

    You want a coach? Jeff Hornacek...

    Hornacek wouldn't be a bad choice (gamble) at all. Like stated prior he's been around basketball his whole life with his dad being a highschool coach then Jeff having a long successful NBA career. He played under a lot of coaches including being coached by Sloan which is a big plus IMO. Also...
  4. C

    Joe Johnson's defense

    This guy is to be banned for being a Penny fan? Man I hate Pennys guts but this seems extreme.
  5. C

    If losing trend continues, when will Jerry C. pull the rip cord?

    I'm starting to think the same thing. I'm getting desperate to get rid of that guy. And I'm sure the C's will dump him if this goes on much longer. It may take just take a few more losses so lets hope!
  6. C

    Game Thread: Suns vs. Pistons

    When you take that one line out of a whole paragraph it sounds out of context. Quote the whole thing next time. Penny never earned his contract...not even close to it. His so so on again off again game (more off than on) is enough to turn anyones stomach.
  7. C

    Game Thread: Suns vs. Pistons

    Last year sometimes I almost appreciated Penny but deep down I still despised him. He never lives up to expectations and has a whiney demeanor. I feel we were tricked into getting him...assurred of his good health...paid through the nose...and have been let down ever since. He totally robbed the...
  8. C

    Game Thread: Suns vs. Pistons

    Even though I hate Penny with all of my being I say start the SOB. Our team is turning into a circus so bring in the clown!
  9. C

    If losing trend continues, when will Jerry C. pull the rip cord?

    Frank wont last at this rate. Jerry will pull the rip cord and tie it around Franks neck personally. We have too much talent for this to be happening and some of these losses look ugly...especially that Jazz game.
  10. C

    Game Thread: Suns vs. Pistons

    Lets let Penny coach...then he don't need to be warmed up!
  11. C

    Game Thread: Suns vs. Pistons

    I really didn't need to know that....REALLY!!!!
  12. C

    Game Thread: Suns vs. Pistons

    Suns really fold it in at the end now....all the time. They panic and fall apart. They seem to have all the skill in the world but no brains behind it.
  13. C

    Game Thread: Suns vs. Rockets

    I never said Penny never had a decent game. If I had all day I could show the numerous stats to the contrary where he was a zero last nights game. If he was consistant we wouldnt be having this discussion in the first place and Frank would have him starting. I mean are we to...
  14. C

    Game Thread: Suns vs. Rockets

    "How can you have a former all star rotting on your bench" We supposed to watch Penny rot on the floor instead for the whole world to see? Either case he's rotting away so I'd rather not see it thanks. He's a constant reminder of the Suns getting ripped off 86 million...I'm sure Jerry had a...
  15. C

    Game Thread: Suns vs. Rockets

    I'm really sick of this Penny stuff. Last season when he started and played poorly then Penny ppl would say "He's not getting enough minutes" or "Penny needs to play at the end in the fourth quarter". There is always some reason for Pennys failures....some excuse. It's either he's too cold...
  16. C

    All-Star Voting

    I can't believe how two weeks into the season we are supposed to think about who should be in the allstar game. Even the Suns site is drumming up support for it already. Can we drop some of the hype and just watch NBA ball for a while? I mean give it a couple months before we start thinking...
  17. C

    Game Thread: Suns vs. Rockets

    If McGrady, Marbury, Amare where on the same team I doubt there would be enough ball to go around.
  18. C

    Are we that much worse than last year?

    I watched every game last season. Maybe you need to refresh my memory and show me some Penny stats to show where he was a consistant force....or even a part time one. He had a good game here and there but nowhere near enough to be considered good.
  19. C

    Rift between Amare & Stephon Marbury?

    Frank has plays he runs?? I didn't know that!
  20. C

    Are we that much worse than last year?

    Penny stays on the bench because when he comes off the bench he stinks. And he stinks as a starter too. The fact that our record last year was better with him in the lineup is because we were so short handed that any additional help made a difference. We had no bench what-so-ever so in tragic...
  21. C

    Game Thread: Suns vs. Rockets

    I dont want to trade Marbury or Marion. Fact is the Suns need to play smarter and be better utilized. We need a better coach to get the most out of what we got...because what we have is quite a bit by most teams standards. We arn't lacking talent...we're laking a team ball concept. And I dont...
  22. C

    Game Thread: Suns vs. Rockets

    Penny needs to start?? Ya know...People that support Penny are always making excuses for the guy. According to them he fails because.. 1) Penny is cold because he didn't start 2) Penny doesn't get enough minutes 3) Penny should be playing in the fourth quarter (cuz he's so clutch??) Look...If...
  23. C

    Game Thread: Suns vs. Hawks

    White is looking like the player of the game so far.... And I thought he was going to be a scrub! WOW
  24. C

    Game Thread: Suns vs. Warriors

    I think Frank has a bet with himself...He wants to see the smallest lineup he can put on the court and still win
  25. C

    Game Thread: Suns vs. Warriors

    Whats this a 3's festival?

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