Search results

  1. R

    I can watch and listen to this all damn day

    good song. not really a fan of his, but i like this song a lot
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    Let It Rock - Kevin Rudolf

    its good but risks getting overplayed
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    Make 'Em Laugh

    I really hope they air this again because I missed it. If anyone finds out, let me know.
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    Veronica Mars: Season 3

    i'll be so happy if theres a movie
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    What are you reading now?

    "the know-it-all" by a.j. jacobs. its really funny. its about this guys mission to read the encyclopedia. sounds boring but its not
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    81st Annual Oscars

    slumdog is taking the show
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    yes teri hatcher. thanks. i saw the commercials and i couldnt figure out the voice
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    Anyone see Shaq on PTI yesterday?

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    30 Rock

    damn they're winning so many awards
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    Favorite show no longer on TV.

    i miss friends. i have 3 seasons so far. im hoping to get the rest as gifts
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    What Bands Have You Been Listening To Lately?

    a lot of nirvana lately...dont know why
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    Songs you feel guilty for knowing all the words to?

    corny 90s sitcoms...sad
  13. R

    Any Cardinals fans from Chicago?

    Hey everyone. I'm doing a story for my sports class and I'm looking for any Cardinals fans from Chicago that I can talk to so contact me and I'll interview you. Thanks! and of course, go cardinals (i'm not just saying that..i hope they do win)