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  1. JPlay

    Madden 2006 Thread

    I love when you play against the computer and they're driving at the end of game and completing absurd passes and their runningback is bouncing off tackles.
  2. JPlay

    salary cap room of all 32 teams

    Robert Griffith is 35 too, we will need a new FS.
  3. JPlay

    Nene to the Suns?

    In the 9 game stretch Emeka was gone he averaged 14 pts/gm, 8.8 Reb/gm, 2.2 Blks/gm. He had a game in that stretch with 6 blocks. He also had a game with 17 rebounds. He has very good potential if he could get 30 minutes a night.
  4. JPlay

    Nene to the Suns?

    Because I had him on my fantasy team last year when Omeka went down and he put up some terrific numbers.
  5. JPlay

    Nene to the Suns?

    The Melvin Ely trade would be the best for the Suns. It would give us a legit center, rebounder and shotblocker.
  6. JPlay

    Madden 2006 Thread

    How about when you're reciever is wide open and suddenly the DB gets an amazing burst of speed and a huge jump to tip the ball away at the last second.
  7. JPlay

    salary cap room of all 32 teams

    Wow how do the vikings have so much cap room with all of the FAs they signed. I guess randy was making a butt load. Same thing with the Cowgirls, didn't they just go on a Yankee like shopping spree.
  8. JPlay

    What is the worst movie ever?

    He was much better in Ninja Turtles. It's turtle power.
  9. JPlay

    Denny Green Talking Championship...

    I think Green's greatest achievement has been creating an environment and system where his players can achieve success. The system that he's brought in here and attitude has these players not settling for mediocrity but striving for success and respect. The same players who may have been...
  10. JPlay

    Digital Camera

    Yeah I need one too. Maybe even a digital camcorder.
  11. JPlay

    What is the worst movie ever?

  12. JPlay

    6/20/2005 Insider - Blazers talking with three teams

    Is Joe Smith still in the league?
  13. JPlay

    Top 10 QB's (merged threads)

    In that case why don't you plug Jeff Smoker in and let him run the offense. Bulger is a very good QB, he won the Pro bowl MVP the other year. He definitely has talent.
  14. JPlay

    What Q Has to Do

    Q struggled against Dallas and SA to get his points. Marion was basically shutdown against SA. If you look at Qs numbers he still shot 39% from 3pt range during the playoffs. His numbers were down against SA and turnovers up, but they shut down a lot of people. Qs real contribution is...
  15. JPlay

    Denny Green Talking Championship...

    Who were those idiots. They'll never admit it now. This is almost an entirely new team, it's great. No more scrubs who couldn't make another NFL roster.
  16. JPlay

    Madden 2006 Thread

    Boycott Madden play Tecmo Bowl
  17. JPlay

    Revolt against Madden 2006

    Dude I am going back to Tecmo Bowl. F this Madden monopoly.
  18. JPlay

    Batman Begins

    You know what didn't make sense, what the hell was Morgan Freeman's job. There was nobody working down there with him. If he was once helping produce those things and they were no longer producing them, then what was he supposed to be doing. Sounds like a pretty kick back job.
  19. JPlay

    Fire Rob Evans!!!!!

    I hate UofA
  20. JPlay

    Top 10 RB's

    You're arguement doesn't make sense statiscally, when James has a higher YPC on 40-50 fewer carries, yet you say he doesn't make long runs? He had six 20+ last year and he had nine each of the first 2 years during his best seasons.
  21. JPlay

    Robert Horry = Greatest Role Player Ever

    Horry is only good if he's playing on a good team. If he's on a bad or mediocre team he's pretty much worthless. Ala Houston before he was traded, and the Suns before he was traded.
  22. JPlay

    Top 10 RB's

    Actually I'm an avid fantasy football player and I have Direct Ticket so I watch a majority of the games. I'm sure you miss most of the games if you go to the Cardinals games. If you look at Edgerrin's stats this year they are almost Identical to his first 2 years in the league if you factor...
  23. JPlay

    Top 10 RB's

    Thats wrong. Indy's offense wasn't explosive until they drafted James. They certainly weren't explosive when Faulk was their back. James is as integral to the development of that offense as Petyon or Harrison. James had the highest YPC of his career (4.6), and six 20+ yrd runs, Portis only...
  24. JPlay

    Madonna Returning To Dance Music On Her Next Album

    Just retire and do us all a favor. She doesn't look half as good as she once did. Her face is all......old.
  25. JPlay

    The Simpsons Movie

    No character can fade Homer.

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