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  1. S

    The Official Complain About Steve Kerr Thread

    maybe we should sign steve to a veteran's minimum and have him stand in one spot and just drain threes! i'm sure he'd do better out there on the court instead of the FO.
  2. S

    Draft: This team needs to draft a true center.

    do the suns even have draft picks this year?
  3. S

    To Those of You Who Registered Today

    i joined today, but not for those reasons
  4. S

    The Suns are a prime example of mismanagement!

    the suns need to stop giving up their draft picks, its only going to make them older and older, it was fun watching them a couple of years ago and now they are old and about to retire. ala shaq
  5. S

    who would you want first round of playoffs and why?

    lakers, go out for blood, that and it'd be intense
  6. S

    How are the Lakers "the team to beat"?

    i hate manu ginobili and his big nose
  7. S

    How are the Lakers "the team to beat"?

    i want to see another first round between the suns and lakers, it'd be sooo intense
  8. S

    List of "analysts" you wish weren't.

    greg popovich

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