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    So just 'CIA' or 'MLB' won't work? I'll test it.
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    Not true -- I have one with CIA in the title on the P & R board. I'm pretty sure there's an MLB one too. Maybe it has to 'recognize' the acronym. Like CIA, NBA, NFL, NATO etc. Won't take 'slang' though?
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    Official Arizona Weather Thread

    So -- how do you like the set up you got, Mike?
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    Slumdog Millionaire

    Golden Globe wins for Best Picture, Best Director, Screenplay, and musical score prizes went to "Slumdog Millionaire," the story of an orphan boy who rises from terrible hardship to become a champ on India's version of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire," all the while trying to reunite with a...
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    Waltz With Bashir

    Israeli documentary filmmaker Ari Folman won the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Film for his animated feature Waltz with Bashir. Folman thanked his team and his wife and dedicated the award to the babies born to his team members over the four years during which the film was made...
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    Antivirus 2009 Virus warning

    I'm not sure you have a virus, Russ. I think maybe you're cursed. But, taking everyone's legitimate panic under advisement, I will today back up all my work-related stuff and other hard-to replace files. Promise.
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    Wine or water?

    I would never make a resolution to give up wine. I ordered 3 cases of good wine the other day to welcome 2009, in fact. (You aren't likely to find it in AZ, but Galil Yiron 2005 is absolutely stunning.) And since my kitchen sink water-filter is on the fritz, I may have to start making my...
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    Wine or water?

    As Ben Franklin said: In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria. In a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated that if we drink 1 litre of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of...
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    Somehow this makes me think Kendricks remains our biggest and continuing problem.
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    Slumdog Millionaire

    Mind putting a spoiler around that, Mulli? It was a terrible scene -- but they did -- still do -- that there. I have some friends who thought that it was one of the most genuinely disturbing movies they'd seen in many years -- but nevertheless uplifting and remarkable. (If you didn't stick it...
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    Getting Past the 'Protein Myth' That Keeps People from Quitting Meat and Dairy

    Let's ignore 1) ALL the research on high-glycemic carbs 2) a few million years of evolution and btw, 3) meat and cheese and butter and fish TASTE good.
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    How do you cook a turkey

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    How do you cook a turkey

    Always start my turkey breast down on a well-oiled rack at 350, flip it after 1 hour. I make a braising sauce/gravy base with turkey necks, gizzards and a wing or two, half an onion with skin, a garlic clove or two, a carrot, a piece of celery, a mushroom or two, a dash of soy sauce, dash of...
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    Winter Squash ?

    I have one vegetarian friend coming tomorrow night with the other folks carnivores, and I was thinking of making her a stuffed winter squash -- maybe using some of my last home-grown hopi lima beans, which are lovely and rich-flavored, shallots, etc. I would appreciate advice on which type of...
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    Im getting my own place!

    Got to adapt to the changed circumstances - fortunately you know that and are a new enough place you can get away with it. Fingers crossed for you.
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    Official Arizona Weather Thread

    Major downpours tonight. I could appreciate a little snow for a change.
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    What are you having for Christmas dinner?

    Xmas eve out with friends to a movie and maybe Chinese or Middle Eastern -- whatever's open. I will make over the weekend, but you might consider for Xmas morning: sufganiyot -- a traditional Hanukkah food, basically a smallish, fresh-fried donut filled with jam (mmmm black raspberry) and...
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    Official Arizona Weather Thread

    Had two inches of rain since last night. My chow chows also refuse to go outside -- they hate to get their feet wet.
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    Construction-grade sugar-cookies?

    I found an old recipe for German 'Christmas Tree Biscuits' which are basically 4 c flour, 1 c sugar, 4 eggs and 1 t salt, and used to make cookie-wreaths and tree decorations -- you make the dough exactly as you would make pasta, working the eggs and sugar-flour together with your fingers, then...
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    Sarver Responds to D'Antoni article....

    I am curious what head coaches with winning records would be satisfied with being told they needed to change their coaching AND personnel management style, bring in their possible future replacement, but otherwise, we want you to stay -- for awhile, anyhow. And of course we'll give you a good...
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    Construction-grade sugar-cookies?

    It's really weird to do an internet search and your own post on ASFN the #1 answer that comes up! That suggests there is (as yet) no such thing as construction grade sugar cookies. I was wondering if making cookies with a sugar syrup boiled to the hard candy stage would make stronger (as...
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    What are you reading now?

    Marine Sniper - 93 Confirmed Kills -- the biography of the great Marine sniper Carlos Hathcock -- 93 confirmed kills in Viet Nam, 300-400 unconfirmed (no body retrieved), and until a few years ago, held the long distance single-shot kill record. A really interesting guy and fascinating story...
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    Online photo storage?

    AOL is discontinuing its picture service 12/31, as well as other online storage, and keeps reminding me to clean out my desk and move on. I don't use it much other than some travel albums and dog pics, but I need to move what I do have someplace else. Any recommendations for easy-to-use and...
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    Waltz With Bashir

    Waltz with Bashir (2008) Director: Ari Folman Writer: Ari Folman Release Date: 15 Dec 2008 (limited USA) 12 June 2008 (Israel) Genre: Animation | Biography-Documentary | Drama | War Trailer: One night at a bar, an old...
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    The Day the Earth Stood Still (remake)

    TNR mini-review:

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