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  1. R

    All quiet on Washington front

    I have to say I am pretty upset about not having an answer at this point. Its been well over 60 days. I am quickly going from a supporter to strongly disliking the guy. The selfishness this guy has exuded has cost 52 other players on this team a shot at winning. In a game of inches his talent...
  2. R

    Cards training camp on NFL Network Tuesday 08/04/2015

    Did anyone see if Weatherspoon got hurt? If he left the field with a gimp or anything? I hope its not anything serious (considering how long hamstring injuries can linger) Or better yet nothing at all.
  3. R

    All quiet on Washington front

    ‏@Cardschatter 25m25 minutes ago Asked about suspended LB Daryl Washington, Arians reiterated no reason to speak on subject until DWash reinstated. #CardsCamp
  4. R

    All quiet on Washington front

    It's a little concerning that the league office closes in under 30 minutes and no announcement today. I was convinced 100% we would know something today and that he would be playing for us at some point this year. Considering he applied on May 8th this really seems like he wont be with the...
  5. R

    OT - Russell Wilson gets paid

    Something else of note. One thing the Hawks do is extensions, instead of tearing up the contract. It really works out in their favor. Next year, they still have more cap space than us even with this new deal by over 3 million dollars despite having Russ locked up, J Graham, Lynch, Avril, KJ...
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    OT - Russell Wilson gets paid

    Anyone that thinks Russell Wilson isn't worth the 16.7M a year 5 year contract he just got is ridiculous. We have all watched him play. We have all seen his leadership and what he brings to the table. I would rather have Russell on his 5 year contract that he is on now than Palmer at their...
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    OT - Russell Wilson gets paid

    That doesn't even take into account his rushing stats as a dual threat qb. How many times have we watched a sure sack be evaded by Russell with his spin moves and agility just to burn us?
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    OT - Russell Wilson gets paid

    Everyone is missing a huge huge point. It was an extension. So in essence it's a 5 year deal at 81 million. The bonus is spread out over the contract. I don't know why the word extension is so hard to understand. It works out to 16.7 million a year over the next 5 years. Not 21. Hawks got a bargain.
  9. R

    OT: Greg Hardy

    While getting him and Peterson with our roster would most likely result in a SB appearance I think Hardy took things to far. He strangled a woman, and threatened to kill her. I would love to have him, I just don't think he deserves the second chance