We would probably have better luck tricking Okafor given his Austin bar hopping history. Then again, maybe not. He would probably just run out of the place right before last call.
We have a growing fan base here in Austin with weekly watch parties. If you are living in Austin or visiting for the holidays its alot of fun and ya'll are more than welcome!
You can dance if you want to.
You just can't signal over a team mate and perform a choreographed dance routine.
I like that CP jumped in his shizz about the the stupid penalty too.
I told my wife last night while watching the game that refs are ruining the game and I was starting to lose my love (just a bit) of the game.
This year I feel that too many ticky-tack fouls are determining the outcomes of games.
17 to 12. 3rd down in their red zone and we throw it.... Ggrrrr
DJ's dumble to start the game set the tone.
The fumble that was not a fumble was ridiculous.
Tough game to watch.