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  1. Brown_Blood

    What movie should I see?

    Haven't seen this yet. Would you say it is the best ever because it was just a good movie, or is it because they portrayed the comic faithfully on the big screen? So far, I've been disappointed by the casting for Bruce Wayne/Batman in the previous movies. Seems like they just cast people...
  2. Brown_Blood

    Movie-A-Day #198: Payback

    I loved Mel Gibson in this movie. Definitely different to see him as a bad guy, though his character did have a little flavor of "Riggs" from Lethal Weapon.
  3. Brown_Blood

    Free Kittens

    I think even UPS would have a tough time getting a kitty to survive a trip in a box. I've seen people ship a lot of weird things, but so far, no mammals. At least, no live ones.
  4. Brown_Blood

    Free Kittens

  5. Brown_Blood

    Super Bowl Commercials

    The best beer commercial was the bud light getting thrown out of the plane. The look on their faces when the pilot jumps....classic! :thumbup:
  6. Brown_Blood

    Alone in the Dark

    I'm embarrassed to say I saw that one too. How about the Mortal Kombat movie?
  7. Brown_Blood

    War of the Worlds (Spielberg/Cruise)

    War of the Worlds I don't know if there is already a thread on this or not, but saw the preview during the game....looks great! Spielberg, Cruise... Hard to go wrong there!
  8. Brown_Blood

    Super Bowl Commercials

    The best commercials so far are the "Don't be quick to judge" ones done by Ameriquest Mortgage, I think. Those are a riot.
  9. Brown_Blood


    Halo game = :thumbup: Halo books = :confused: Halo movie = :( Some things are just meant for one medium. Why ruin a good thing?
  10. Brown_Blood

    Fantastic Four

    I must agree. Vin Diesel could play Lex Luthor about as well as Arnold played Mr. Freeze. Being bald just isn't enough.
  11. Brown_Blood

    Alone in the Dark

    LOL! That was a hilarious movie! So stupid that it was funny. <cough> not that I actually saw was a friend of mine....yeah, a friend.....<cough> :(
  12. Brown_Blood

    Magazines You Read?

    Reader's Digest Guideposts Men's Health Men's Fitness Official Xbox Magazine Sesame Street :thumbup:
  13. Brown_Blood

    Dedicated area to talk NASCAR???

    :biglaugh: As long as it's a brown sharpie! Then I can keep the same name!
  14. Brown_Blood

    Dedicated area to talk NASCAR???

    Sure you googled it. I'll bet you're his biggest fan! ;)
  15. Brown_Blood

    'Survivor' Winner Arraigned on Tax Evasion

    They're twisted. If they got him right away, he'd actually be able to pay. Let him wait a while, think he's made it, and then nab him after the money's all gone. Gotcha!!!
  16. Brown_Blood

    Glendale Arena Listed Among Busiest Venues

    And the free parking rocks! :thumbup:
  17. Brown_Blood

    Ticketmaster Help

    Just curious....why wouldn't you get them on That's typically where we get tickets for shows and and have had decent luck getting good seats there. Or am I just out of touch?
  18. Brown_Blood

    Stan Lee Sues Marvel--And Wins!

    I think the relationship has been pretty well severed for a while now.
  19. Brown_Blood

    Stan Lee Sues Marvel--And Wins!

    I'm stoked for Stan Lee. He deserves it. After all, he brought us the greatest super-hero there is, he should get paid for it!
  20. Brown_Blood

    Stupid Sony.

  21. Brown_Blood

    Ultimate LOTR DVD Collection

    They put a lot on the line 'cause if the first one had flopped, the second two had already been filmed and would've had very little chance to be seen. I am beyond glad they stuck their necks out. New Line, Jackson, the cast for filming overseas two years...everyone! Just watched the extended...
  22. Brown_Blood

    Thread problem and a fix proposal

    Can't you use the Forum Jump pull-down on the bottom RH corner of the page, or is that not what you're looking for?
  23. Brown_Blood


    Another sad example why people shouldn't let dogs drive drunk.
  24. Brown_Blood

    Offical Little Britian Thread

    LOL. Don't worry, I won't use your shoulder.
  25. Brown_Blood

    Live Free or Die Hard

    Wasn't that done before? .....Commando, with Arnold?

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